A2 locked after an accident: drivers have to spend the night in a traffic jam


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  Traffic Jam   Traffic Jam

Cars cross the street in rush hour traffic. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / Archive

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

On the A2 accidents, the fuel runs out – in traffic jams, motorists have to spend all night in their vehicles . Some cars are dry because the batteries have lost their minds.

B ielefeld (dpa / lnw) – After a serious accident on Highway 2, many motorists had to spend the night in a traffic jam. Two cars and three trucks crashed on Wednesday night in Bielefeld, so the road to Dortmund had to be completely blocked. A man was seriously injured in the crash Wednesday night, said a police spokesman.

The tank of a truck had been torn and sank completely. As a result, the accident site had to be cleaned up by consuming it's formed behind blocking a jam of up to ten kilometers in length. During the clean-up, the police discovered in traffic jams many defective vehicles whose batteries were probably empty. In other vehicles, the occupants had fallen asleep in the face of the long wait

The cleaning of the two left lanes with a special foam lasted until noon on Thursday afternoon. However, although the right lane and the hard lane could have been released earlier, the traffic jams did not resolve much – also because the approximately 20 abandoned cars had to be towed in the morning. In addition, fog and a heavy weight hampered traffic, he said.

The accident occurred when a car, after the first discoveries between the cross of Bielefeld and Gütersloh, skidded and then hit three trucks. When one of the trucks wanted to counter, he took the right path. There was another car driving there. The driver sustained serious injuries. From the torn tank ran 300 liters of diesel fuel.

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