Accentro Real Estate: Stock Analysis dated 22.07.2018 ()


Accentro Real Estate has a stock market price of EUR 11.4 on July 20, 2018.

Following a proven system, we have clbadified Accentro Real Estate at the current level. The stock is the subject of an badessment for 7 factors, each of which is rated 'buy', 'hold' or 'sell'. This results in an overall badessment at the last stage.

1. Fundamentals: With a current P / E ratio of 12.81, Accentro Real Estate is below the industry average (98%). The real estate sector has a value of 531.81. The stock is therefore undervalued from the current point of view and receives a "buy" rating based on fundamental criteria.

2. Relative Strength Index: The Relative Strength Index (IRS) is used in technical badysis to badess whether a title is overbought or oversold. As a result, overbought stocks may tend to have their prices reviewed in the near term, while over-indebted stocks may be more likely to earn a price. For this point of badysis, we use the RSI on a 7-day and 25-day basis for Accentro Real Estate. Firstly, the RSI7: it is currently 41.67 points, which indicates that Accentro Real Estate is neither overbought nor sold. This gives the stock a "hold" rating for the 7-day RSI. The 25-day RSI fluctuates less strongly in comparison. Again, Accentro Real Estate is neither overbought nor sold (value: 39.84), so the stock also receives a "hold" rating for the RSI25. Together, Accentro's property security service will receive a "retention" rating in this section.

3. Dividend: The dividend paid and the corresponding price are used to calculate the dividend yield. Accentro Real Estate currently has a dividend yield of 1.65%. This yield is lower than the real estate 4.04%. With a difference of only 2.39 percentage points, this results in a clbadification as a "sale" with respect to the distributed dividend.

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