Acquittal in the case of the removal of Würth – Panorama


  • In June 2015, the son of the entrepreneur, Markus Würth, was abducted. A day later, the police found him in a forest, chained to a tree.
  • Three years later, the police arrested a suspect.
  • Nedzad A. was acquitted – he denied the crime until the end.

In the case of the removal of Markus Würth's industrial son, the accused Nedzad A. was acquitted. The court did not feel it was proved that the 48 – year – old kidnapping had been organized in June 2015 to extort three million euros from the wealthy Würth family.

The district court then proceeded to indict the defense, which had pleaded in favor of acquittal. There is "not a single indication" designating the accused as authors, she explained. However, the prosecution had required three and a half years in prison. She justified this by saying that the badyzes of a voice recording and cell phone data would identify Nedzad A. as the author. But the court was not satisfied with the sentence. There are "doubts about the perpetrators of the accused", the presiding judge justified the acquittal.

The revealing voice of the artisan

A voice recording betrays him: In Hesse, a man is in court, which should have been involved in the kidnapping of the son of the industrialist Markus Würth.

By Susanne Höll

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Markus Würth, then 50, lived in a courtyard and a residential community in the Hesse Slot. From there he was kidnapped. A transfer of money to the kidnappers has failed. The police found Würth uninjured a day later in a forest near Würzburg, chained to a tree. These kidnappings end up so, is very unusual, say the investigators The kidnappers may have left Würth alive because he's mentally handicapped since his childhood after a failed vaccination and that he can not speak.

The search for the guilty was difficult. Three years later, the investigators were able to arrest a suspect. Nedzad A. Crucial, now acquitted, was badyzed while recording a voice recording of the abductor. It turned out that the man comes from the former Yugoslavia and must have lived in Frankfurt or Offenbach because he has a typical sound for this region in his voice.

After publicity investigations, including in the criminal magazine "Aktenzeichen XY … unresolved", reported at the beginning of the year a witness of the Rhine-Main region of the police, who would have recognized the voice of the # 39; man. Nedzad A. was arrested in Offenbach. The evaluators came after a comparison between the voice of the accused and that of the ransom to conclude that the speakers are "almost certainly" identical.

The investigators did not badume that he had himself kidnapped the kidnapping. Rather, it was the group's affiliation with the Würth family, among other things, he had pbaded the money transfer arrangements to the family, so the charge was pbaded on. During the process, Nedzad A. rejected the allegations. There are no more traces.

"The culprit is very special in kidnappings"

Frank Roselieb, a crisis researcher in Kiel, explains why there is abduction almost every week in Germany, but the perpetrators are usually arrested.

Interviewed by Anna Fischhaber

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