Act right: One shot counts every minute


Ulm / Amrei Groß

In case of sudden visual problems and speech, paralysis, numbness, dizziness and severe headache, care must be exercised: these symptoms may be signs of stroke. Tips for correct action and prevention are the red info bus from the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim. Today, it is 10 to 14 hours with doctors and nurses from the University of Ulm on the cathedral square.

It comes as of nowhere and often has serious consequences: Every year about 270,000 people in Germany suffer from a stroke. About a quarter of patients do not survive the disease, another quarter of them suffer serious damage to their health and remain disabled for life. According to official figures from German stroke aid, nearly a million Germans suffer from the aftermath of a stroke.

Every stroke is an emergency

Every minute counts : time is the brain, time is the brain the motto. "Every minute you lose, nerve cells die irretrievably in the brain of the affected person," says Katharina Althaus, Chief Medical Officer at Ulm (RKU).

immediately emergency call 112 the neurologist advises: "Every stroke is an emergency." First aid to decide if a stroke is present, the so-called FAST test :

The affected person is asked to smile

  • ( F ace = face ),
  • to raise the arms ( to rms) and to turn the palms up) and
  • to repeat a simple sentence ( S peech = language).

If the person concerned has problems with any of these tasks, there is a suspicion of a stroke. Now every minute counts ( T ime = time)

Stroke units as specialized centers

The rescue service usually brings the victim into a so-called 39; stroke. Here, stroke patients receive comprehensive care from diagnosis to acute treatment until rehabilitation. A multidisciplinary and multi-professional team of doctors, specialized nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists is available on site. The Stroke Unit of the RKU also offers self-help groups

Not only the elderly affected

About three quarters of all strokes in the world hit people over 70 years old. However, those who believe that young people are spared from this disease are wrong: Five to ten percent of patients are under the age of 50 . This represents about 9,000 to 14,000 men and women in Germany per year. Children can also be affected.

There are no specific causes of stroke in the 18 to 50 age group. General Risk factors include hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia or migraine attacks . Diabetes increases the risk of stroke up to 2 or 3 times!

Seventy percent of strokes are preventable

Anyone can reduce his risk of stroke by adopting a healthy lifestyle . In any case, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity is helpful. Obesity, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and stress, on the other hand, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and therefore of cerebrovascular accident.

The German Stroke Assistance has developed an online test that allows anyone to determine the individual stroke risk.

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