AfD demonstration with confetti confetti cannons: wounded


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  Interruption of the confetti gun at the AfD event   Interruption of the confetti gun at the AFD event

In a reception room, a table with the food is littered with confetti. Photo: AfD Heilbronn

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Confetti cannons, possibly leftist militants, disrupted an AfD event in Heilbronn. But that was not all – in the end there are wounded on both sides.

H eilbronn (dpa / lsw) – An incident at an AfD event in Heilbronn caused considerable unrest and widespread police deployment. Strangers fired on Tuesday night with one or two confetti cannons through an open window in the hall of a restaurant where some forty people had gathered for an Alternative for Germany event. (AfD). In the later course, according to the police, there were also tangible arguments. Two participants from the AfD event were transported to the hospital as a precaution. Several people have also suffered a blatant trauma.

According to a spokesperson on Wednesday, the situation was not clear for the police. As a result, they also relied on the help of a helicopter, which was already for a Vermisstensuche in the air. In addition, several police patrols were used. According to the police, the prosecution is involved in the investigation because the incident has attracted public attention.

Police confiscated banners bearing inscriptions against the AfD. The course of the tangible dispute was initially unclear, according to the police. The examination of witnesses and participants lasted on Wednesday. He was found suspected of causing bodily harm, coercion and attempted robbery. An event participant AfD was trying to tear the phone off. According to the first statements of the police, the 15 to 20 attackers were masked. On Wednesday, it was said that a coat had been found.

Police continue to search the perpetrators on Wednesday. "Anti-fascist Heilbronn" said in the morning on the left website, they were behind the action. One handed out flyers to restaurant guests in order to draw attention to the AfD meeting. "Recently we dropped Konfetti by the window open on the AFD." According to the participants of the event AfD stormed the hall. An AfD-1 hit a "young antifascist" with a fist in his face. The police said that they were following the clues of the letter

Rainer Podeswa, the AFD district chief, who is also a member of parliament, spoke of 35 to 40 people attending the meeting. 39; event. About two-thirds had been party members – one-third were interested citizens in his words. He had jumped three times – so the room was full of confetti. A woman, sitting directly at the window, was swollen after the stroke. Several visitors to the event stormed out. A man wanted to take pictures – but he was attacked outside with a wooden stick. An AFD member ran after the authors. "What happened then, I can not say it." But the man had "serious wounds" on his hands.

Podeswa spoke of a "completely new quality" of attacks, in which life and limbs were in danger. He talked about the confetti cannon and the attack that he described with the wooden stick. The AfD will not change its way of meeting interested citizens in restaurants and restaurants.

Bernd Gögel, the leader of the AFD parliamentary group, renewed the call for a parliamentary inquiry committee on leftist extremism. It was time for all parties to work together to fight against anti-constitutional activities, whether left or right, whether politically or religiously motivated. The other groups had rejected such a committee on several occasions. There were enough committees and instruments in parliament to deal with the issue of left-wing extremism, he said.

Communication from the police and prosecutors

Baden-Württemberg security report for 2017

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