AfD party conference in Hannover: Erika Steinbach at the service of the AfD


Erika Steinbach has not had such a scene for a long time: at the AfD party conference in Augsburg, the former politician of the CDU is only supposed to present the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation that she directed. However, she uses most of her time to denounce the best way the AfD against the federal government. It attacks Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and her refugee policy as "dictatorial", "illegal" and "autocratic" – and for the first time since the beginning of the congress, the room is raging.

In January 2017, the right-wing conservative politician left the CDU, which she had listened to for over 40 years. She has been in the Bundestag for 27 years, with the exception of the last semester for the CDU / CSU. There, however, "democracy was buried step by step", Steinbach justifies his decision to leave the CDU at the congress. As a non-party MP, she was a member of the Bundestag until last autumn's elections.

Steinbach, who turns 75 on July 25, apparently does not want to retire. Since early March, the pugnacious politician has chaired the Erasmus Desiderius Foundation, which has been recognized as an AFD-affiliated foundation at the Augsburg Party Congress

Steinbach will remain faithful to his new role, leaving it behind. in a warm atmosphere Saturday night. the exhibition hall of Augsburg undoubtedly. Steinbach, who was born in Poland in the former West Prussia and grew up in Hanau in Hesse, polarizes German politics like no one else. In Frankfurt-am-Main, she graduated in administrative and computer management, at the same time she studied violin and played in the orchestra

Steinbach often causes horror

In 1974, Steinbach joined the CDU. 1990 then follows the entry into the Bundestag. Elected in 1998 as President of the Confederation of Expellees, she quickly became the red cloth of many Poles, also because she already voted in the Bundestag not for the recognition of the German-Polish border.

Steinbach provides in 2010 a statement The war debt of the Germans seems to relativize: "Unfortunately, they can not change what Poland mobilized in March 1939," she says, referring to the invasion of Poland by Hitler on 1 September of the year. Steinbach is so unpopular in Poland that she is shown in 2003 by the weekly "Wprost" in a Nazi uniform on Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD).

More on the subject

Steinbach returns in July 2014 after 16 years but she will not be calmer when she serves as a displaced person. As a human rights spokesperson for the Union faction, she expresses herself with increasingly strange demands: Muslims who want to join the CDU should sign an "anti-Sharia declaration" "according to which the basic law is also their priority. This facilitates "the discovery of the exclusion of the party".

Still no excitement on the part of the AfD

Steinbach then began early 2016 with the display of an image entitled "Germany 2030". He shows a blond child surrounded by dark-skinned men and their question: "Where are you from?" Steinbach accuses his former party of being part of AFD's successes even before his resignation from the CDU – the Christian Democrats have their profile conservative and thus abandoned the grbadroots voters on the right. After leaving the country, she says in an interview that the AFD is also "the meat of the CDU". Before the elections, she runs the ads in the newspapers with the headline "Why I'm going to vote AFD."

Steinbach is a member of the AfD but not today – and it will not be, as she said Sunday on the sidelines of the congress. Finally, 99% of AfD voters are not party members. (afp)

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