Stand: 15.07.2018 19:39 Uhr

The number of Civilians killed in Afghanistan peaked in the first half of 2018. Most died of bombs. People were killed during an attack in Kabul today.

Since records began in 2009, so many civilians have never been killed in Afghanistan as they are now. According to a report by the United Nations Mission, at least 1692 civilians were killed in the first half of 2018, 1% more than last year

. According to the report, the Islamic State's terrorist militia was responsible for 52% of all deadly suicide attacks and complex attacks.

Afghanistan has received more than 10,000 civilian casualties for the fourth year in a row. The United Nations figures are considered conservative because the organization needs at least three independent sources for each registered case.

Suicide bombings still kill

Still today, a suicide bomber in Kabul killed at least seven people and killed 15 people The attack was violated, said a police spokesman in the Afghan capital, Hashmat Staneksai. The murderer was wearing an explosive jacket and detonated his bomb in front of the Ministry of Rural Development.

According to the spokesperson, the authorities expected the death toll to increase. Nobody confessed to the act. The Taliban and allies of the Islamic State terrorist militia regularly attack Afghan government institutions in the capital and the rest of the country. Already last month, a suicide bomber attacked the ministry. He killed 12 people and wounded 31. Most of the victims were Ministry employees.

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