Stand: 24.07.2018 09:35 Uhr

Sunday , a man fired on a busy area of ​​Torontos several shots. Two people died. Now the police have identified the perpetrators. Apparently, he had mental problems.

Police identified the shooter after the deadly shooting in Toronto. As a result, it is Faisal H., 29, of Toronto. He shot a ten-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old woman Sunday night in the nightlife area of ​​Greektown. 13 others were injured.

H. was killed in a shootout with the police. His family said that he was mentally ill for years. All his life, H. had fought psychosis and depression. Drugs and therapies would not have been successful. However, an end so devastating that they could never have imagined for him

No information on the motive

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said the motive was still unknown, continued the investigation. At first, it did not exclude the terrorist context.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that he was in the hearts of the victims. "The people of Toronto are strong, resilient and courageous – and we will be there to support you in this difficult time," he wrote.

Video footage shows a man in black and a black hat walking on the sidewalk going and shooting in at least one restaurant. The police reportedly found the author about three blocks from the incident and reportedly opened fire.

John Tory, Mayor of Torontos, said the city had an armament problem: "Weapons are too accessible for too many people. Toronto police deployed dozens of additional officers this weekend as a result of an increase in recent weapons offenses.

Three months ago, a truck crashed against a crowd of people in Toronto. In the attack allegedly directed against women, ten people lost their lives
