After an anti-Semitic attack on Kippa carriers: Israeli professor raises serious charges against Bonn police



Baltimore-based Israeli professor Yitzhak Melamed, who was beaten by police on Wednesday at 2:20 pm following an anti-Semitic attack on him, made serious accusations against the Bonn police. He told General-Anzeiger in a courier on Saturday evening

By Philipp Königs, 14.07.2018

The Johns Hopkins University researcher describes the officers' access as very brutal and his completely covered point of view. When the visiting researcher, who had gone to Bonn for a conference at the university, had risen Thursday morning in the plane for the United States, he had thought after an apology Bonn police chief Ursula Brohl Sowa. During the flight Melamed then read in the first press releases – on the basis of information provided by the police – that he should have resisted and that the officials had to "hit him in the face", according to the researcher. He was very angry because of this, because according to him, it was a distortion of events. The police press release literally stated, "He (the teacher, the editor of ANM.Cer) has been restrained, overthrown and arrested by the police. According to officials, he fought against the measures – the police beat him in the face. "

When the police arrived after the alarm at the yard garden, they first moved very slowly towards him and his companion.Since the 20 year old aggressor, surprised by the sirens of the police, ran away and already had an advantage, the professor hesitated, but ran after him.Headly, the young man had repeatedly beaten the Kippah, the During the persecution at the Bonner Hofgarten, the professor realized at one point that the police officers who came to meet him were heading towards him and not the 20-year-old suspect Bonner.

Then everything went very well. The police took it from both sides in the clamp and shot it down. "They pushed me to the ground. I was unable to move. "Then" a few dozen shots "followed in the face, so he was bleeding.He had shouted in English that he was the wrong man, only then would the officials let him go.One of the Police officers told him in English: "Do not have any problems with the German police!" He said that he had lost his family during the Holocaust.At the next day's meeting, Melamed has said to the police chief: "Human errors can pbad, but the shots are not mistakes, I could not move and I could barely breathe." Eyewitness had access to General-Anzeiger Police also qualified The professor wearing clothes of "extremely brutal." According to the former senior official, who is known by his name to the AG, one of the police jumped on the scientist and l? The remaining officials were quickly there. "It must have been extremely painful," he said. retired Bad Breisig. From a distance, he could see no punch by police.

The 50-year-old scientist further describes that the police station officials first wanted to convince him to deplore the conduct of the task force. In another station, he had been a "polite" policeman who, looking at his wounded face, asked if he was the suspect. The Israeli replied, "No, it was the police." The professor makes no anti-Semitic charges against the police, but against the course of the operation. The US police are known for their extremely brutal actions, he writes. He doubted after the incident that it was better in Germany

The Bonn police chief, Brohl-Sowa, and the interior ministers of North Rhine-Westphalia They were personally excused Thursday morning in front of the teacher for this confusion. Brohl-Sowa acknowledged "a terrible and regrettable misunderstanding in the action". According to informal police reports, officials approached the professor from two angles because they had taken him for the offender before they reached the 50-year-old father. they told him to stop. He should not have complied. When the police had shot him, he had shot dead. That is why the officials had hit him in the face, so the Bonn police. The witness heard screams of access but could not understand them. The Bonn police investigator, Udo Schott, had told the AG that it was inexperienced police who had recently completed their training.

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