After contact with the neurotoxin: the victims of Nowitschok left the hospital


A little over three weeks after his contact with the Nowitschok neurotoxin, a 45-year-old Briton was released from the hospital. Police continue to hope that he can help clarify the case.

The 45-year-old Briton, who came into contact with the Nowitschok neurotoxin at the end of June, was released from the hospital. This was reported by the Salisbury District Hospital. He and his 44-year-old partner were taken to the clinic at the end of June for poisoning in Nowitschok. The woman died on July 8th.

Nowitschok flask found in the apartment

A week ago, police found a small bottle in the man's house near Amesbury, which she identified as the source of the nerve agent, The British couple got to get in touch with him. At first, it was not clear if the man could provide clues as to how he and his partner came into possession of the Nowitschok container. He had previously been interviewed at the hospital

The authorities do not rule out that other objects and places around Salisbury may be contaminated by Nowitschok. They warned against the lifting of unfamiliar things

Possible link with Skripal

Investigators consider that it is likely that the case is related to the poisoning of the family. former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The scripts had been unconsciously discovered in early March on a park bench in Salisbury. Both survived and were able to leave the hospital. They are now living in a secret place.

The case sparked a serious diplomatic crisis. The British government has accused Russia of being the brain of the attack. Nowitschok was developed in the former Soviet Union, but later he was also experienced in other countries. Kremlin vehemently denies British accusations

A report that police have already identified several Russian suspects has not yet been confirmed. The British state secretary responsible has qualified the report as wild speculation.

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