After meningococcal suspicion: Kita child died in Emmerich


In Emmerich, North Rhine-Westphalia, a child died of an infectious disease this weekend. Which pathogens are responsible for the deadly infection is still not clear. Doctors badume, however, that they are meningococcal.

According to the "NRZ", the child had been to Noah Kita in Emmerich last Friday before getting sick on the weekend and now dying. The child may have been contagious to other people on Friday. The competent health authority now advises all parents whose children attend this kindergarten to have their children followed by preventive medical treatment.

According to the newspaper, the health department announced Monday that it wished to contact all parents and daycare staff. The recommended treatment consists of a preventative dose of the antibiotic rifampicin. Treatment must be started as soon as possible.

The disease begins with the clbadic cold symptoms

People who had been in contact with a patient during the ten days preceding the onset of the disease could become infected. 24 hours after the start of antibiotic intake should no longer be contagious. The symptoms of a meningococcal infection are: colds, nausea, stiffness of the neck, photosensitivity and, in the worst case, reddish patches on the skin.

The district has set up a hotline for parents and staff at the Noah's Ark Day Center in Emmerich. the questions of telephone number 02821-85167 would be answered questions.

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