After the asylum dispute with Merkel: Seehofer and Söder disagree over the border police


Horst Seehofer and Markus Söder fight for the Bavarian border police. Minister of the Interior could still evaporate prestigious project

Update 7 July 19:33: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder took a stand on the future role of the new border police Bavarian. In an interview with Welt am Sonntag he stated that 1,000 Bavarian police "independently carry out border checks". This would be done "in cooperation with the Federal Police" and not only at the three fixed border checkpoints, but also at the "green border".

Earlier, the Spiegel a delegation of the Federal Minister of the Interior Seehof. Government at a meeting to understand that although the Bavarian state police would like to support the federal police, the work, but should operate under the supervision of the federal police. On the other hand, Söder is now focusing on "independent border controls".

At the request of Spiegel the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior declared that Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann was "in agreement with Seehofer" but that the organizational and legal details still needed to be clarified.

Seehofer and Söder "agree on the finish line"

Update 7 July, 13.55: The Federal Ministry of the Interior is also pronounced. A spokeswoman said Saturday that Seehofer was with his Bavarian colleagues in the agreed goal that close cooperation between the Federal Police and the Bavarian Border Police is desirable in border control measures. "To this end, discussions are still ongoing on organizational and legal issues."

Update 7 July, 12.30: Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has a quick agreement with the federal government The police announced. "I am confident that we will find amicable solutions for organizational and legal issues yet to be clarified as early as next week," Herrmann said, according to a spokesman on Saturday. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) and he were united in the aim of allowing the Bavarian border police to carry out independent checks at internal borders. These would be coordinated by the new management in Pbadau. "There is no doubt about it," Herrmann said. It is clear, however, that "the overall responsibility remains with the federal government"

First notification: Seehofer and Söder fight the border police

Munich – Markus Söder had a solemn ceremony in Pbadau on the day of the great confrontation the new Bavarian border police was launched. And a tip against his party leader, Horst Seehofer, was launched: "The Horst has all surprised us a lot," Söder said after Seehofer's withdrawal offer. It was Monday. The coach back was obviously not long in coming.

Because according to a report of mirror Seehofer already on Tuesday Söder an embarrbading slap inflicted – just in the prestige project of the border police. A "high-ranking delegation of the Federal Ministry of the Interior" had "the Bavarian interior colleague in the barriers," writes the magazine. Apparently, the Federal Ministry of Seehofer wants to make the Söder Border Police a rather toothless paper tiger – a kind of auxiliary force.

Seehofer says: The border police can "readily support"

– but only under the supervision of the federal police. She is in charge of the border anyway. An administrative agreement that could have changed this state was not planned.

At the request of Spiegel, the Bavarian Interior Ministry made rather flourishing comments on the facts. "Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann agrees with Horst Seehofer, Federal Minister of the Interior, to allow the Bavarian border police to take border control measures" .

Söder himself had told dpa on Tuesday that there was an authorization for the Bavarian border police to carry out border checks in the future. As the work of the Bavarian police might look like, it now seems quite open again.

Seehofer and Söder disagreed earlier

For Söder and Seehofer it would not be the first conflict. The two CSU politicians fought in the spring for the transfer of the post of prime minister. In a biography of Söder published a few weeks ago, the disputes between the two were also dealt with in detail

Söder-Seehofer Litigation: Union of Police Reports

"Bavaria is ready, our border police are ready, "Söder Merkur * said Monday in Pbadau during the ceremony. As long as there is not enough protection at the external borders, this must be done at the internal borders. "It's a very important sign that Bavaria can protect its borders."

(still) in celebration: Markus Söder, Joachim Herrmann and Alois Mannichl: At the refoundation ceremony of the Bavarian Border Police

© dpa / Peter Kneffel

However, the Police Union (GoP) had criticized the possibility of double checks if the Federal and Border Police were both working on the Border Patrol. Even leading police officers from the border region have expressed similar concerns, as reported by *. Criticism also came from the opposition. In Germany, the federal police is responsible for border security, said the leader of the Greens parliamentary group, Katharina Schulze. State police officials would already have a huge mountain of extra time.

Bavaria had until 1998 once an independent border police, which was also responsible for the controls directly at the border. For the new border police, 14 million euros are provided in the 2018 supplementary budget. The deployment of the new border police is coordinated from Pbadau, the former police chief of Pbadau Alois Mannichl directs the authority. After all, in the office building will hang a cross, in line with the decree of Söders crucifix. He was specially blessed at the ceremony

fn (with dpa)

* is part of the national digital publishing network Ippen

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