After the NATO summit: Gabriel believes Trump is aiming for "regime change" in Germany



After the NATO summit Gabriel thinks Trump is aiming for a "regime change" in Germany

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Why Germany is the favorite subject of Trump

Donald Trump attacks Germany again and again. At the NATO summit, however, he is enthusiastic for an excellent relationship with Angela Merkel. Correspondent from around the world Steffen Schwarzkopf on the ambivalent relationship.

Former Foreign Minister Gabriel calls for "not to be deceived" when dealing with Trump. Green politician Hofreiter criticized Merkel did against the blackmailable of the United States and subject to "ideology of upgrading".

N Following the NATO summit, former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel accused US President Donald Trump of targeting a "regime change" in Germany. "You can not count on America under Trump, it gives an badurance of inventory to the North Korean dictator and at the same time wishes for a change of regime in Germany." We can not afford it, said the former chairman of the SPD in the magazine Der Spiegel. Trump had lobbied his allies at the NATO summit in Brussels with pressures and threats to invest more quickly in defense and achieve the two-percent NATO spending goal of economic production. Germany was particularly in sight as currently only 1.24% can be reached and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) until 2024 only has 1.5% in perspective. Finally, Merkel hinted at possible concessions on military spending. If necessary, Germany should "do more," she said.

"Donald Trump knows only strength"

Gabriel called for stronger behavior towards Trump. "We can no longer imagine illusions, Donald Trump knows only strength, then we have to show him that we are strong." The truth is, "We can not with Trump and not without the United States So we need a twofold strategy: clear, tough and, above all, common European answers to Trump – any attempt to meet him, all procuring leads him to go a little further, it must be over. "

Gabriel cited an example of a force signal to Trump: "If he recovers billions of American military expenditures from us, then we must ask him for billions that we have to spend on refugees, which has failed in US military interventions in Iraq, for example. "

Trump brought the pics to the brink of failure

Trump had brought Thursday's summit to the brink of failure. According to diplomats, he threatened behind closed doors, or the goal of two percent of all allies in 2019 reached or he does "his own thing". The Allies had agreed in 2014 to increase military spending by 2% of gross domestic product by 2024.

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  Diplomat Peter Ammon was ambbadador of Germany in London from 2014 to February 2018. Previously, the mathematician and economist was ambbadador to Washington and Paris

Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen confirmed Thursday night on the ZDF program "maybrit illner" that a such a phrase had fallen Trumps. However, according to the politician of the CDU in the ARD "Tagesthemen", she ruled the meeting successful. She mentioned, among other things, the attachment of the Member States to NATO and its values. In retrospect, the special session convened at the summit was "a great moment for NATO".

What Trump's phrase meant exactly, like troop reductions or even a complete break with NATO, had been left open by the US president at the NATO meeting. He did not answer this question later but said the partners were "probably worried".

According to the chairman of the Greens' parliamentary group, Anton Hofreiter, Merkel blackmailed the United States with concessions in Brussels. present. "Now the federal government has to scramble on the tibia of a fugitive US president, who takes little more serious with his excessive threats and outrages," the agency said. German press Hofreiter

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