Against Protectionism and for Climate Protection | TIME ONLINE


G-20 Ministers of Agriculture Raise Hands
Meeting in Argentina the meaning
a transparent, open and rule-based multilateral system
In their final declaration, the
Ministers of the 20 main industrialized and emerging countries against protectionism and for more climate protection im
Agricultural area pronounced. The statement was made "unanimously",
said Argentina's host department chief Miguel Etchevehere in Buenos Aires.

In the joint declaration expressed
Ministers are concerned about the rise of protectionist tendencies.
Given the growing global demand for food products
The open exchange of agricultural products continues, they demanded.
It is also a contribution to "the eradication of hunger and poverty".

"Great Breakthrough"

The statement was also supported by US Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue. the
The government in Washington had based on the "America First" policy
by President Donald Trump in recent months by the
The imposition of punitive tariffs may lead to an international trade dispute that does not stop at the agricultural sector.

The Federal Minister of Agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU), is pleased with the commitment
Protectionism. "The joint trade protects against nationalism and
Save the peace, "she said. It's a G20 meeting for us
clear breakthrough for agriculture, for the climate and so for
consumers have succeeded. "

Klöckner particularly emphasized confession
The Minister of Climate Action said: "It is good that we all have the
Accept climate change and the positive role of agriculture
Strengthening the fight against climate change
. "Klöckner invited his colleagues,
develop common criteria for the strategy for
Productivity combined with sustainability, soil pollution
reduces and leads to more biodiversity.

Improvements in sustainable land use

In the final declaration, ministers called for "improvements in the sustainable use of land"
sustainable land use. "At the same time, they expressed their concern
the "increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and
their impact on agriculture ".

Klöckner also raised
G20 ministers felt that there was a significant restriction
Use of antibiotics in the breeding: "All have
Be aware that antibiotics are for therapeutic purposes only and
not preventative or promote the growth of livestock
can be used. "

The G20 countries have
a good 60 percent of the agricultural land on earth.
They also account for 80% of world trade
Agricultural products.

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