Aggressor after 27 years of murder in court


Gera – Hans-Joachim G. (66 years old) enters heavily in the Gera Regional Court. The convicted child molester holds the file in front of his face, his hands tied. G. does not want to be recognized.

For a long time, the murder that he confessed to the police was not detected. According to the indictment, the man mistreated and killed Stephanie Drews, then ten years old, 27 years ago.

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Victim of the murder Stephanie DrewsPhoto: INSPECTION OF JENA COUNTRY POLICE

How Prosecutor Ralf Mohrmann proceeded Tuesday in the Gera District Court, aged 66 today at the end of August 1991, for having lured his victim to Weimar Park Goethe. According to BILD, he had offered him 50 marks when she showed him the Belvedere Palace.

<img clbad = "zoomable waving photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " -the-girl-in-August-1991-in-weimar-park-ilm-kidnapped-200716844-57993880 / 5, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" The killer had kidnapped girl in Weimar Park in Ilm in August 1991 "data-zoom-title =" The murderer kidnapped the girl in August 1991 at Ilm-Park in Weimar

Photo: Karina Hessland

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The murderer abducted the girl in August 1991 in Weimar Ilm ParkPhoto: Karina Hessland

It was the last time Stephanie Drews was seen alive. According to the indictment, the man abducted the child and mistreated him on a forest trail. He then gave the girl soothing tablets and threw him off the Teufelstal Bridge from Highway 4 at about 48 meters deep.

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Photo: picture-alliance / ZB

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The A4 bridge on the Teufelstal at Hermsdorfer Kreuz is 53 meters high. Stephanie's broken corpse was discovered at her footPhoto: picture-alliance / ZB

Stephanie's executioner and murderer escaped. Why, is not clear. Because G. is a pre-proven multiple pedophile. For the first time in 1969, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the GDR for pedophilia. As Stasi-Unterklagen shows, Hans-Joachim G. sat in the 1980s, if not six and a half years, because of the mistreatment of children in prison.

Even after the alleged badbadination of Stephanie, the pedophile was noticeable, but he was never linked to the murder. At the same time, these parallels could have been established. In 1994, G.'s investigators, who had worked for the last time as a truck driver in Berlin, provided a polyacrylic blanket. Polyacrylic fibers were also found on Stephanie's body.

It 's only at the end of 2016 that the "old affairs" Soko reopened the murder and became visible. Of 142 bad offenders initially charged or convicted, one remained as an urgent suspect. For the abduction of his former victims, G. was the same as Stephanie. He also gave them tranquilizers after politely asking the children for a favor.

According to BILD, information has been taken by officials of Berlin and Iena SEK on 3 March 2018, shortly after 8 am, in a residential building on Holzhauser Street in Berlin. Because the apartment was locked, the police opened the way with a chainsaw. Dennis Janke (28): "I was standing in bed vertically!"

G. was arrested. After the arrest, in the apartment, dried blood was found in the closet and on the floor. In front of the door was his DHL truck, from which a pencil case for children and white gloves were attached.

Unlike his arrest, G. remains silent. The defendant asked his lawyer not to comment on the allegations.

For the procedure, eleven more days of negotiations are planned until early January.

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