Ahed Tamimi, 17, free again | TIME ONLINE


Tel Aviv (AP) – Nearly eight months after his arrest, Palestinian Ahed Tamimi left prison in Israel .

The 17-year-old girl and her mother are on their way to the transition from Rantisi to the West Bank of confirmed a spokesman for the Israeli prison authorities. Tamimi was in a military court for badaulting an Israeli soldier.

The prosecution and defense had accepted an eight-month jail sentence in a case in March. Tamimi was imprisoned with his mother Nariman, who was also free.

Tamimi's Israeli lawyer, Gaby Lasky, said the women had been released earlier. This is a common practice in Israel because prisons are so crowded.

In December, Ahed Tamimi hit an Israeli soldier in front of a camera in his hometown, Nabi Saleh, in the West Bank. She was still 16 years old at the time.

On a video that was spreading rapidly on the Internet, Tamimi, his mother and a relative were looking for a confrontation with two soldiers. Tamimi kicked and hit one of the men, a fist hit him in the face. The soldiers barely responded. The women were arrested after the incident.

In the Arab media, the teenager with long blond and dark curls was celebrated as a symbol of resistance to the Israeli occupation. Israel sees Tamimi as a provocateur.

Tamimi's father, Bbadem, told the German news agency before his release: "I was hoping that moment because I missed them a lot." He said that they wanted to continue resistance to the Israeli occupation, "but in a different way." Years of protests in Nabi Saleh have been halted after the arrest of women. The family aspires to a normal life for the future. Ahed Tamimi dreams of studying law, "maybe in the UK or Palestine".


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