Aldi asks the customers an intimate question and laughs the net


Mülheim –

One thing is different for all the inhabitants of the earth, the ghosts: how should toilet paper be attached to the support? Scroll forward or backward?

It is precisely this intimate question that Aldi Süd asked his customers on his Facebook page. And the reactions are extremely funny.

One thing is clear to all users: more than 95% think that the role must hold up. Nevertheless, a wonderfully funny discussion takes place in the comments.

A user finds: "Who rolls the toilet paper backwards, probably lost control of his life …." These people are also sleeping with the blanket placket up?

Another important question: who bends the toilet paper that is wrinkled (read here)?

Another Aldi client admits to having even hung up the toilet paper in a foreign toilet. It's not easy to bear! The social media team of discounters also finds this comment awesome. It turns out that the customer does not seem to be the only one to "clean" the foreign toilets.

"I hate rear scooters"

Some even get quite emotional about it: "I hate those backward scooters," writes one customer jokingly

Another says, "Back, I am aggressive. "

A client even confesses to a quarrel that he has regularly with his wife. Theme: of course the toilet paper.

"Label Fraud": confusion at Aldi causes laughter among customers (read here)

"My wife flips the toilet paper and turns it over. is sometimes quite boring. "His wife adds later but: a reason for divorce that was not.



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