Aldi: Beware of the Nutella special offer – anything but a bargain


Special glbades, especially expensive: Aldi offers Nutella glbades. Not only are the glbades expensive, but they also generate more waste. But Aldi pursues a special goal.

Munich – If you look at the front cover of an Aldi brochure, you will probably discover a good deal. Therefore, the sight is usually worth it for those who want to save something. But even further in the paper often hide many interesting offers.

This is why every customer should be even more surprised when he opens an Aldi brochure for the moment, whether it is Aldi Süd or Aldi Nord. . Because what is proposed here as a Nutella market is actually not favorable.

Nutella glbades at Aldi: Unusually expensive

On the contrary, because even if a Nutella drink for 79 cents for a ridiculous price rings – on the amount of many should stumble. At the latest on the market itself, the amazement should be great. For only 79 cents, customers receive only 30 grams. That means: the price of the kilo for Nutella is then 26.30 euros.

For comparison, elsewhere, glbades of 450 grams are about to buy for about 3 euros. The kilo costs here a little less than 6.70 euros. In a 750 gram glbad for 3.79 euros, the contents of a 30 gram mini glbad comes in 25 times. The price is just four and a half times. And maybe it will be cheaper soon.

Nutella dear to Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd

Aldi Nord seems to like this offer so much that mini-glbades have even made headlines. These have been staged as Christmas tree decorations – the decor, however, is not included in the price, as noted by Aldi. Aldi Süd will also be offering glbades next week: 79 cents for 30 grams.

It is clear that proportionally larger quantities are often cheaper. That goes for a family pack of noodles at Lidl as well as for Bayern-Ticket at Deutsche Bahn – or even a glbad of Nutella at Rewe, Edeka or Aldi. At a price per kilo, which is about five times higher than that of a tall glbad, you can hardly say a good deal.

Aldi-Nutella packaging guarantees additional waste

And not only Aldi must, because of the glbad, impose on advertisers a derisory price. Even packaging waste causes inconvenience: because, thanks to small glbades, not only does it take a lot more glbad to fill, but also often the plastic requires the manufacturer to make the plastic cover.

Read also: This Aldi product causes laughter on Facebook

For some, the disappointment will be as great as recently for a customer making another purchase at Aldi. Some may also be happy with small sizes that fit easily into a bag or that give a private breakfast buffet an air of a hotel. And Aldi does it with the mini-glbades, one thing: the attention.


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