Ali B .: Another arrest warrant against Susanna's alleged murderer



New rape Second arrest warrant against Susanna's alleged murderer

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Ali B. allegedly raped another girl

The alleged murderer of 14-year-old Susanna from Wiesbaden reportedly raped another girl. This was announced by the Wiesbaden prosecutor's office.

Ali B., 21, is already being detained for the murder of student Susanna. Now another arrest warrant has been issued against him. The reason is the urgent suspicion in the case of an eleven-year rape.

I In the Susanna case, the Wiesbaden District Court issued another arrest warrant against the alleged perpetrator. The Iraqi is already detained because of the violent death of the 14-year-old student in the JVA Frankfurt. The 21-year-old girl is accused of murder and rape of the girl from Mainz.

During the investigation, it was learned that Ali B. allegedly raped even an eleven-year-old girl. According to a spokeswoman for the district court, a spokeswoman for the district court said the arrest judge's ruling will ensure that Ali B. remains in detention even after the arrest warrant. judgment for the murder and rape of Susanna was issued should. The Frankfurt JVA received the appropriate information and noted this alleged over-detention in the accused's files, the spokeswoman said.

See also


Legal expert on the case of Ali B.

For Ali B., his sentence is modified by the new warrant of arrest. However, in the 21-year-old's trial, the arrest warrant can have an impact on sentences.

The Iraqi admitted during his interrogation that he had killed Susanna. The body of the schoolgirl had been found in Wiesbaden. A rape of the 14-year-old denies Ali B. He also denied the rape of the eleven-year-old girl, said the district court spokesman.

A few days after her death, Susanna Ali B. was a refugee in Wiesbaden. traveled to northern Iraq. However, Kurdish security authorities then arrested him in northern Iraq and handed him over to the federal police.

See also

  Horst Seehofer can not help establishing a link between his plan and that of Susanna F.

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