Amazon is planning a logistics hall in Moosburg: not everyone is excited


For the Amazon mail order company, a large distribution center is to be built in Moosburg-Degernpoint. The construction project, however, gives rise to very mixed feelings.

Moosburg – Amazon is apparently pretty sure of his case. On the career portals, the mail order company is already looking for an executive for its distribution center in Moosburg. Expected by the future manager or manager, in the "acute cases", sometimes even in the night, the quarter itself attacks. An attractive salary package, actions and, of course, employee discounts are an badet. What is not in the announcement: For the new job, there is still no planning permission.

About Monday advice Moosburg Construction Committee. The meadow of 30,600 square meters on which a logistic warehouse of 65 x 103 meters of a total height of 12.4 meters was requested is located in the business park of Degernpoint, right next to the park recycling. Even if, in the future, the famous black and orange logo appears on the facade, the developer is a real estate group based in Hamburg that rents to Amazon.

Amazon plans: work day and night, six days a week

The project is not a warehouse, but a simple post of redistribution: the trucks deliver parcels finished at night, and vans the size of a VW swarm in the area during the day to deliver to the households . Amazon wants to make itself more independent of parcel services like DHL and allow customers even faster deliveries.

View of the Olchinger distribution center of Amazon.

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The plans indicate that the room should be equipped with an office, a technical facility and a garage. Spread over four levels, it could accommodate more than 280 delivery vans. There are also 88 parking spaces and bike racks in front of the building. In the future, work will be 24 hours a day, six days a week. On Sundays and public holidays, the loading of the parcel is suspended. The main activity will be handled according to Amazon in the night shift, about 100 employees are badigned to this task. In addition, 85 and 23 employees must take over the start and end of the day. The company refers to these maximum data on the high season – Christmas activities.

Mayor is against online shopping – but sees positive plans

According to her own statements, Mayor Anita Meinelt has already placed an order with Amazon and describes herself as an "absolute opponent of Internet orders". They would prefer to buy from local dealers. The construction project, it nevertheless looks somewhat positive. "I am expecting more benefits than inconveniences for the city. The name Amazon means Degernpoint's business park, namely a workaholic, a gain in image. "It's always something new with the new candidates."

According to their expectations, Moosburg's Amazon customers, who "have some packages delivered more quickly," should also benefit. On the other hand, Anita Meinelt does not believe that the city perceives anything from the business tax. "It's a global operation, sales are not made with us." She knew about it from the owner – "but he did not know," she says. After all, one could expect new jobs – and in that turn, additional income from the income tax.

Criticism of Amazon's tariff shyness – and fear of impact on traffic

Building law, the applicant has no major obstacle to wait: the Landratsamt has, despite the derogations needed less important to the development plan, already put its blessing in perspective, says-t- he from the town hall.

The Amazon plan has already filtered into local Facebook groups and is the subject of controversial discussions. Some are encouraging the giant online, hoping for new jobs and faster shipping times. In contrast, critics recall the long-standing conflict between Amazon's employer and collective bargaining. Some are also afraid of the effects on the traffic.

In Olching and Daglfing, negative experiences have occurred with Amazon delivery cars

The mayor remains calm: "We have the great advantage that the industrial area is not connected via the city, but directly via the highway." And that an industrial zone with new locations absorbs more traffic ", we have to wait for it".

Excited elsewhere: the delivery trucks of Amazon's external service providers – here in Olching.

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Elsewhere, Amazon is actually uncomfortable in this regard: after the launch of the group in Olching (Kreis Fürstenfeldbruck) in 2015, its first national distribution center in operation, complaints were accumulated about vans parked in the state wild by external Amazon service providers. The huge delivery traffic obstructs the driveways leading to the main road and to the highway.

This is what happened in Olching: Amazon delivery trucks parked in the streets nearby.

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In addition, the surrounding roads were parked. In Munich-Daglfing, there were only problems in June of this year, as they were stuck on more than one kilometer long, delivery trucks for the sidewalks of Amazon.

Amazon provides special conditions for Moosburg

In both cases, the dealer quickly promised a speedy recovery. "We will control the situation more intensively," said the German headquarters. In Olching, the city also intervened: it issued strict parking bans and Amazon reversed the loading times. Since then, he has been calm. Clearly, these Moosburg errors have drawn the following lessons: In the plans, Amazon writes that each service provider must submit a "concluding park concept" for the night. And for drivers arriving too early, you want to create additional waiting areas on the property.

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