An Aldi customer discovers some animal remains in product packaging – Discounter's excuse


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An Aldi customer recently discovered in his creamed spinach a "side dish" that ruined his appetite. The discounter had already reacted via Facebook to the disgusting discovery.

Although ladybugs are considered lucky, an Aldi customer would probably not have been delighted with this specimen: In a discounter cream pack discovered Dirk S., but actually one of the spotted crawlies.

"I had a meat supplement in the food," wrote the net surfer to a photo of spinach and ladybug, which he posted on the Facebook page of the discounters. In addition, Dirk S. mentions that it was a yellow beetle. "Yellows are rare," commented another user. The team Aldi Süd responded immediately to the post. An employee apologizes via Facebook and now wishes to forward the incident to the responsible supplier.

Aldi also wants to surprise his customers positively. Among other things, a new concept should help.

Aldi's customer posted his disgusting find on Facebook

A screenshot of the Facebook publication.

© Screen Capture

It is unclear whether Dirk S. was allowed to choose as compensation, nor a creamed spinach without meat supplement

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But not only in cream Aldi is a good surprise. In a discounter's chocolate, a customer also made a nauseating discovery. What another Kundi discovered in a pack of six Aldi flasks was also unexpected.

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