Analyst tips: updates on thyssenkrupp, HeidelbergCement, ProSiebenSat.1, Roche and DEUTZ | message


Citigroup throws Thyssenkrupp for "buy" and target 26 euros

LONDON – The US bank Citigroup raised thyssenkrupp of neutral to buy and increased its target price from 25 to 26 euros. The profit situation in the capital goods sector is expected to stabilize in the third quarter, experts said Thursday in a study. At the same time, the restructuring of the German industrial group is progressing. In addition, cash flow is sustainably positive and the valuation of paper attractive.

UBS raises HeidelbergCement to 86 euros of purchase.

ZRICH – Switzerland Grobank UBS has reviewed HeidelbergCement of neutral to buy, its price target However, slightly reduced from 87 to 86 euros. The good prospects for cash flow are not yet taken into account, wrote badyst Gregor Kuglitsch in a study available Thursday. The title of cement maker is therefore attractively valued, although he sees downside risks to market expectations and prospects.

Goldman lifts ProSiebenSat.1 to a "neutral" goal 24 euros

NEW YORK – The US investment bank Goldman Sachs ProSiebenSat.1 (ProSiebenSat1 Media SE) has been upgraded from "Sell" to "Neutral ", but the price target has been reduced from € 26.30 to € 24.00. A recent downturn in the sector has created new opportunities for investment in the media, badyst Lisa Yang wrote in a recent industry study on Thursday. After the relatively low price development, the downside risk of ProSiebenSat.1 fell. However, given the more difficult structural outlook, paper remains one of its least favored stocks in the industry.

Goldman raises Hapag-Lloyd to the target 'Neutral & # 39; rest $ 30

NEW YORK – US Investment Bank Goldman Sachs has pbaded Hapag-Lloyd to "Neutral" after a relatively weak performance of "Sell" and has left the goal of course at 30 euros. Analyst Patrick Creuset titled in a study Thursday, although his operational results (Ebitda) after a recent warning on profits. Berenberg throws Roche to 'Buy' and aims at 267 francs

HAMBURG – The Berenberg private bank has "Hold" Roche on "Buy" improved and raised its target price from 262 to 267 francs. He is optimistic about the growth opportunities of the Swiss pharmaceutical company, wrote Thursday expert Alistair Campbell in a study. The company has made significant progress with its product pipeline. In addition, market entry expectations for generic biologics are sufficiently reflected in badysts' forecasts.

Berenberg raises Deutz to buy it at 8.70 euros

HAMBURG – Berenberg private bank DEUTZ has gone from "hold" to "buy" since the end of April, but lowered his goal courses from 9.20 to 8.70 euros. Investor concerns over a shortage of components are exaggerated, badyst Charlotte Friedrichs wrote in a study available Thursday. So far, in all cases, there have not yet been any delays in the production process. Rather, there is now an attractive entry opportunity into the engine manufacturer's actions for commercial vehicles and agricultural machinery.

Evercore ISI Launches Merck KGaA with a Target 'Outperform' 93 euros

NEW YORK – Evercore ISI at Merck KGaA (Merck) was included in the rating with "Outperformance" and a target price of 93 euros. The chemical and pharmaceutical company is a unique conglomerate that operates in three attractive industries, wrote Thursday badyst Luke Sergott. His badysis revealed that investors attach almost no value to the existing pipeline. Hauck & Aufhuser Launches SLM Solutions with the Target 'Hold & # 39; 33 euros

HAMBURG – The private bank Hauck & Aufhuser has SLM solutions with "Hold" and a target price of 33 euros has been included in the rating. The company is well positioned in the field of 3D printing systems and, hence, in a promising growth market, wrote badyst Carlos Becke in a study available Thursday. The negative news is short term but can not be ruled out because the consensus with its estimates is already more optimistic than the company itself with its goals. SocGen lowers the target for Volkswagen to 208 euros – "Buy & # 39;

PARIS – The French company Grobank Societe Generale (SocGen) set the target price for the preferred shares of Volkswagen (VW) (Volkswagen (VW) vz) before the figures for the second quarter from 216 to 208 euros, the note but on "Buy" on the left. The findings should provide further evidence of a business change in Wolfsburg, badyst Stephen Reitman wrote in a study available Thursday. However, it is abandoning its estimates until 2020 because of the impact of the new WLTP exhaust test procedure and the higher research and development costs expected in the coming years. .

Berenberg raises Bechtle's goal to € 96 – Buy

– Berenberg private bank raised the price target for Bechtle after an advertised purchase of € 92 to € 96 and left the ranking on "Buy". The French IT service provider, Inmac Wstore, fits well into the ecommerce business of the systems provider, wrote badyst Henrik Paganetty in a study available Thursday. The agreement is expected to create significant value for shareholders and mark an important step toward achieving the 2020 goals.

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