Andreas Jacobs could become the new boss of Darboven


J. J. Darboven

For years, the family-owned company has fought hard for the succession of Chief Albert Darboven.

(Photo: dpa)

Dusseldorf The dynasty of coffee Darboven has been challenged internally for years. Chief Albert Darboven wants by all means to circumvent his son in succession. According to information from the newspaper "Bild", the 82-year-old coffee king has found a way: the patriarch wants to adopt Andreas Jacobs, a member of the famous Hanseatic coffee family, and has already applied to the Blankenese court .

Spectacular twist: According to the social contract of the company, only family members are allowed to lead the group. With this trick, Darboven could now bypbad his son and nephew in succession – and install as successor the heirs of the biggest competitor Jacobs.

In 2009, the son of Albert Darboven Arthur Ernesto had left the company, but he still holds a share. 17.5%. His two cousins ​​Arndt and Behrendt Darboven come to 25%.

In an open letter bearing the "photo", the three ask the Patriarch to refrain from his plans. "We must fear the liquidation of our family business," says Arthur Darboven. "We will defend against all legal means against the adoption of Mr. Jacobs."

The offspring of Jacobs with coffee has long been no problem. He is an investor, buys companies, develops and resells them. The company should not be "toy for investors looking for profit," cited the image of the open letter.

Darboven sells as a family business since 1866, especially the Mövenpick brands and idea coffee. Andreas Jacob would be the first non-family CEO.

Albert Darboven now runs the business at the fourth generation. Darboven has been at the helm of the company for over 55 years. He was born Albert Hopusch in Darmstadt. His childless uncle Arthur Darboven adopted him in 1950 at the age of 14 and built "Atti" as a successor in the family business, which is today the most small among the five big coffee makers in Germany. 19659012] [ad_2]
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