Anesthetic nausea may be gene-dependent


Scientists at the University of Duisburg-Essen have found that nausea after anesthesia can be explained by genes.

Before surgery, patients are asked about possible risk factors such as bad or the tendency to motion sickness and are therefore clbadified in the so-called apple score. According to the researchers, it should be noted that patients with a low apple score, that is to say at low risk, often get sick after an operation. This is why scientists suspect a gene variant for some time.

Now, anesthesiologists have examined more than 450 patients to operate. For this, they did a genetic test in all patients and then examined how their variant affects anesthetic nausea. Result: in case of nausea, scientists found much more frequently a gene variant in the M3 acetylcholine receptor

This post was posted on 06.07.2018 in the program Deutschlandfunk Nova.

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