Angela Merkel warns Horst Seehofer


Federal Government :
Merkel warns Seehofer

  Angela Merkel warns Horst Seehofer

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the traditional press conference before the summer break at the federal press conference on current affairs.
Photo: dpa / Bernd Von Jutrczenka

The Chancellor calls a different tone in the conflicts within the government. And she says it clearly: the minister can only be one who accepts his authority.

After the painfully defeated crisis between the parties of the Union, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) warned against a brutal language and a division of society by populism. Conflicts within the coalition will continue to exist, but they will have to be resolved with caution, demanded Merkel Friday in their traditional summer press conference.

Every citizen knows from personal experience that compromise would take time. Even political decisions could not be made in seconds. The manner in which the CSU and its party leader Horst Seehofer led the asylum conflict had undermined political culture and encouraged political disenchantment. "The more I try to pay attention to my language and the fact that the facts are correct." The government must show that it can solve difficult problems in a different "tone".

The Chancellor made it clear that she would remain firm on the subject in the future, and hinted that she was not afraid to return Seehofer to the post of Minister of the Interior. In the weeks of crisis, she had threatened the minister, who wanted to reject against his will in the national unilateral refugee on the Austrian-Bavarian border, with their jurisdictional authority. Seehofer had stated that he would not be fired by a Chancellor who was in his post only for him. Merkel has now pointed out that "the minister can only be one who accepts this authority skill". And: "If that was not the case, cooperation in a government could not work."

The political scientist Heinrich Oberreuter told our editors: "A Chancellor should not too often threaten the competence of the directive.The confidence in the government and the parties that support it is." A Minister of the Interior who, like Horst Seehofer, questioned the competence of the Chancellor as a political decision-maker, had already left the cabinet as he had done. "But a Chancellor who must rely on his competence in the directive has in reality lost the power. "But he stressed Merkel's" controlled expression. "In so doing, it marks a counterpoint to the" hard, bitter, unappetizing tone of CSU. "DSP Secretary General Lars Klingbeil sees the Merkel weakened by the European crisis: "In the coming months, Merkel must demonstrate that she has the strength to fill this position successfully." FDP leader Christian Lindner said: "We could have Printing q Ms. Merkel does not want to know anything about what is going on in her government. Refusing to refer to others does not do justice to the mandate of a chancellor. Green Party President Robert Habeck has accused the Grand Coalition and Merkel of being unbiased and politically minded. "With all the sympathy for Mrs Merkel, this exhaustion is not just a personal, but political, exhaustion."

In her press conference, Merkel also spoke indirectly against the destruction of the troubled industrial group ThyssenKrupp. They agree with the opinion of the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), who promotes the fact that the group remains a company "as wide as possible".

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