Angela Merkel's summer PK: The cool chancellor


The event is already more than 70 minutes, the air in the lobby of the Federal Press Conference is slowly oppressive, the temperature is rising. The experienced among the rapporteurs therefore like to come in polo or light dress, after all, call the Chancellor 's entire summer press conference.

Only Angela Merkel sits in front in her red blazer, as if the boss of the CDU had her own cooling unit

If she is exhausted after all the madness of the last twelve months? Iwo. "Then: I do not complain," said the Chancellor. "I do not want to hide the fact that I'm happy to have a few days off now and sleep a little longer – but I'm not complaining at all."

Can you believe that? Of course, the Chancellor lived cooler, which is not surprising. Merkel would already have superhuman traits, you would not notice the vortex of recent weeks – and you could not blame her if she wanted to, and some to the moon. But when it comes to discipline and work ethic, almost no one comes to them.

This is the thirteenth appearance of Merkel since she took office in the autumn of 2005. There was always something going on, an election in the Bundestag, the euro was supposed to to be saved, Merkel had to defend her position in the refugee crisis.

Merkel's Principle: Stay Cool

The Merkel principle became more and more recognizable from year to year. To know how to stay as cool as possible, whatever happens. But it was never as clear as in 2018. Because the Chancellor has been wilder than ever in recent months, her demonstrative serenity and seriousness become even more striking.

Merkel even admits that she wants to be the cool chancellor.

It was very important for her to "pay attention to my language, to be precise", to try "that the facts are correct". The orientation towards objectivity and facts is very important to her, says the head of the CDU, "because I believe that there is a pretty close connection between thinking, speaking and acting. "

In the video: Merkel's press conference

We can not distinguish more clearly the American President Donald Trump – and of course the political leaders CSU, who do not care about the centrality in the dispute over the 39; asylum. really steer. The tone of the argument has often been very "rude" lately, says Merkel. "And that is why we are invited to show through additional work that we can solve difficult problems in a different tone."

She is ready to do it. That's the message of this performance.

Why Merkel is not ready to do dirty laundry. This is what CSU head Horst Seehofer and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder are doing, blaming themselves for reducing their polls in public – Merkel, on the other hand, does not want to awaken a bad personal opinion, even if it is stubbornly asked, On several occasions, it emphasizes its competence to direct the file with regard to the Minister of the Interior, Seehofer, who had threatened to take an arbitrary decision in the litigation on the asylum. No more. What matters to them: the government stayed together.

There is a lot to be done for the federal government

All the more so that Merkel sees so many important issues outside of refugee politics that the German government has to deal with: care, digitization, the diesel problem, the lack of innovation power of the German economy in general. And, of course, the question of how, in the future, Germany and Europe want to position themselves vis-à-vis a US President, Trump, to whom nothing it's sacred.

Speaking of Trump. He is currently working on just about everything that has been built during decades of transatlantic relations – but from Merkel's point of view, there is simply no choice but to "continue to cultivate" the relationship with him. He is only president of the United States, that does not help at all. [Mercredi1965] Merkel is not exhausted, she never thought of resigning during the conflict of the European Union ("No, no, no"). be. The more the challenges can be great, the Chancellor approaches them "with pleasure in the matter".

That is how Angela Merkel works, so she does politics. And Merkel will not change that with 64 either.

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