Another serious truck accident on A1


H agen (dpa / lnw) – A heavy truck crash Monday evening again the motorway traffic on the A1 to Hagen for several hours paralyzed. One man died, another was fatally injured. Before four trucks led to an end of jam, said a spokesman for the Dortmund police. At first, the identity of the men could not be clarified due to the severity of the accident. The road towards Cologne must remain closed to the rescue until at least 1 hour, said the spokesperson

Already at noon, the road 1 of Wuppertal had been blocked for hours after driving on a coal silo. A truck driver suffered poisoning according to the police. The other driver was unhurt. Officials estimated damages at 100,000 euros

Only half an hour before the accident in Hagen, the tracks were released a few kilometers further to Wuppertal.

Press release of the police

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