Anti-fungal diet can also speed up weight loss significantly


Anti-Fungal Diet Helps to Lose Weight

Diets that target rapid weight loss are, for the most part, unsustainable. On the contrary, often weight loss takers are faster at the original weight than they imagined. More promising here is the so-called Candida diet. It focuses on strengthening the sensitive intestinal flora. This weight loss variant focuses on the omission of carbohydrates and foods containing sugar. The goal is to restore a natural balance in the intestine. Lean proteins, starchy vegetables such as peppers, cabbage, carrots, fennel and eggplant, low sugar fruits such as kiwis, raspberries, strawberries and oranges, high quality whole grains and healthy fats are contained in the 39 cold pressed olive oil, walnut oil and linseed oil.

Normally, in the intestine, there is a natural balance of different bacteria. But through many factors in our daily lives, the bowel may lose balance. Stress and unhealthy diets are common causes of intestinal imbalance, but taking antibiotics can also disrupt the bowel. The possible consequence is the increase of the Candida fungus in the intestine. Overcrowding of this fungus can cause indigestion, laziness, so-called irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal disorders. In addition to the deterioration of well-being, flatulence and weight gain are also possible consequences of an excess of fungal candidiasis.

An anti-fungal diet helps to lose weight and relieves abdominal distension. (Photo: Dr_Kateryna /

What is a Candida fungus?

Candida albicans is a fungus from the yeast fungus group. This fungus is found in humans often on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, in the bad area and in the digestive tract. It belongs to the optional pathogens. This means that it can cause illness under certain conditions. In normal expression, colonization by this fungus usually causes little discomfort. However, there are problems when it comes to proliferation. The Candida diet is an approach designed to counterbalance the disproportionate intestinal flora and the resulting increase in the Candida fungus.

The three constituents of a Candida diet

First, the intake of probiotic supplements is supposed to increase growth stimulate bacteria with positive properties for the intestine and thus help restore the natural balance of intestinal flora.
Secondly, an antimicrobial substance, called antifungal, is intended to reduce fungal growth.
Third, a food change should be Candida – Stop Growth

The Candida Diet

In the so-called cleansing phase, the body must be prepared for a change in diet. This phase should take place for a few days. During this period, users of the diet should only eat low-sugar fruits, low-starch vegetables, healthy oils, herbs, spices and organic eggs. After the cleaning phase, the current regime follows. Sugar, most carbohydrates as well as industrially processed foods are removed from the diet. Lean proteins, low-starch vegetables, low-sugar fruits, high-quality whole grains and healthy fats would replace carbohydrates and sugary foods. Although weight loss is not the focus of this diet, it is possible to lose a few pounds because of the significant reduction in sugar and carbohydrates.

Candida diet studies

Although the concept has many followers, there is currently no scientific evidence that the diet has a positive effect on the body and weight. Experts advise not to perform the Candida diet too long. The nutritional plan being greatly reduced, there is a risk of the absence of trace elements and vitamins. There is currently no maximum or minimum duration for the administration of the Candida diet. (Fp)

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