"Aroused": Tens of thousands protest against CSU policy


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  "Shocked" demonstration   "Shocked" demonstration

"Broken": Thousands of people demonstrate on Königsplatz in Munich. Photo: Andreas Gebert

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

The CSU has been polarized for weeks with its refugee policy demands. In Munich, tens of thousands of people are now placing a sign. They think that he "broke out".

M ünchen (dpa) – Several tens of thousands of people demonstrated Sunday in Munich against a right turn in society and politics. Under the slogan "Broken – Together Against the Politics of Fear!" They turned against the refugee policy of the CSU.

Police spoke of more than 25,000 participants who met in the afternoon. "Everything was very peaceful," said a spokesman for the police

. A spokesman for the organizers reported that thousands of people were on the streets early in the rally and had not easily reached the overcrowded place. Eventually, the organizers spoke of a total of 50,000 protesters. We are "incredibly satisfied" with this resonance, as it has been enjoyed from time to time during the torrential rally, the spokesman said. About 130 organizations, unions, religious groups and cultural workers have been mobilized.

In their call for demonstrations, organizers CSF leader Horst Seehofer, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and CSU party leader Alexander Dobrindt launched a "policy of irresponsible division". before. Not only would the AfD aggravate hatred and exclusion in politics. "We are sending a signal against the mbadive shift to the right in society, the state of surveillance, the restriction of our freedom and human rights abuses."

The CSU responded to the demonstration call by a counter-campaign. She put posters in the city with the imprint: "Yes to political decency! No to #ausausetzt. Bayern can not be hurt!" CSU deputy leader Manfred Weber dismissed criticism The allegations are "excessive and false", the European politician of the "Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter" press group said on Monday, saying that during the election campaign many left-wing groups, particularly leftist groups, were completely normal. "But who accuses the CSU of extremism, political culture night."

sharply sharper said CSU Secretary General Markus Blume. protesters of "incitement" against his party. "Who chanted" racist CSU ", who accuses the CSU of preparing concentration camps, or who found the CSU guilty of the death of migrants in the Mediterranean, who lost all decency and operates the most hated hate rse ", said the flower" mirror in line ". "That also elsewhere at the demonstration is declared" All Munich hates the police ", says a lot about the circle of supporters also from the radical left-wing environment," he added.

It also stated that Munich City Council -CSU wanted to prevent the Kammerspiele and the Volkstheater from participating in the demonstration and claimed that both theaters had violated the duty of neutrality of urban institutions.

The "indignant" demo was also supported by several celebrities such as cabaret artist Luise Kinseher, Max Uthoff, Claus von Wagner and Urban Priol.The Union squabble on refugees and migrations also has something good in it. Priol's opinion: "I'm just glad that we are discussing more about politics," he said before Saturday's demonstration. "The former ZDF program host" The Anstalt " said: "That the noi Once disbadembled, I could not have imagined even in the wildest dreams of my 35-year career. "

Already in May in Munich At a large gathering, about 30,000 people protested against the new working group of the Bavarian police. On Sunday, the protest was aimed, among other things, against this law.

Call for a demonstration

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