Assassination of murder: here is the double march of Khashoggi through Istanbul! – Politics abroad


It becomes macabre every day!

On October 2, at 1:14 pm, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi († 59) entered the consulate of his native Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. At 14:52, a man resembling Khashoggi in size and outfit leaves the complex through the back door. Khashoggi was probably no longer alive at that time.

▶ ︎A Saudi Killerkommando reportedly sent a doppelganger to the door to cover up the brutal torture inflicted on the regime's critic. CNN reports refer to Turkish security authorities – the news channel broadcasts images from multiple surveillance cameras.

Upon arrival at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, the last doppelganger always wears a checkered shirt – and no beards …

Then the transformation.

Glbades, black suit, gray shirt, according to CNN a false beard. Even the esophagus, size and age of the doppelganger are in close agreement with the Washington Post's columnist, the regime's critic.

He was still wearing Khashoggi's warm clothes

The name of the doubles according to the security authorities: Mustafa al-Madani (57 years old), a Saudi official, member of the killer commando composed of 15 members! Four hours earlier, he had entered the consulate of Saudi Arabia. Was Al-Madani specially sent to Istanbul to play Khashoggi?

According to CNN, he is wearing the clothes of the newly killed journalist and is walking around the city. A Turkish official told the TV channel: "Khashoggi's clothes were probably still hot when Madani put them on." 70 minutes later, he even pbades the famous Blue Mosque in the clothes of the deceased, as evidenced by the film.

<img clbad = "zoomable undulating photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " -circle-on-the-right-of-sultan-ahmed-mosque-blue-mosque-to-the-wi-200953079-57980100 / 9, w = 1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 " alt = "Al-Madani (red circle on the right) on the site of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque), one of the main tourist attractions of Istanbul.Its badistant is probably wearing his" normal "dress. Data-zoom-title = "Al-Madani (red circle on the right) on the site of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque), one of the main tourist attractions of Istanbul – his badistant is probably wearing his clothes "normal" in a plastic bag


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Al-Madani (red circle on the right) on the site of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque), one of the main tourist attractions of Istanbul – his badistant is probably wearing his "normal" clothes in a bag in plasticPhoto: CNN EXCLUSIVE

A macabre agent game. As if the Saudis wanted to show the whole world: Look, he's still alive!

Then the doppelganger enters a building and comes out a little later with his own clothes – and without a beard. In the hand: a white plastic bag and full. The al-Madani throws the evening in a bin near the hotel "Mövenpick". Suspicion: Here he threw Khashoggi clothes.

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After finishing his mission and eliminating Khashoggi's clothes, Al-Madani seems relaxed and smiles.Photo: CNN EXCLUSIVE

The recordings allow only one conclusion: the murder was planned in the smallest details! No trace of an accident, as the Saudis want. The official version of the royal family is crumbling over the days.

Bin Salman reportedly spoke to Khashoggi

Even the presentation that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman does not want to know anything about this continues to crack. A few minutes before the brutal torture, the Saudi horror reportedly telephoned the reporter to the consulate!

This is reported by the Turkish newspaper "Yeni Safak". Thus, the Khashoggi murderous command, consisting of 15 members, is held in the building during the call. On the phone: the horror Cheikh Salman, short MbS.

He allegedly tried to persuade Khashoggi to return to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. But he declined the offer, according to the report, because he feared to be imprisoned and executed in his country.

Shortly after the end of the call, the killer command killed him.

After two weeks of refusal, the Saudi government admitted Saturday that Khashoggi had died at the consulate. But it was an accident during a fight in the fist, it was said. There was also no murder plan and the crown prince had not been informed of the events.

But more and more media are refuting the official version of the Saudi royal family.

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