Asylum law: the Bundestag decides to cooperate with refugees


The Bundestag has adopted an amendment to the Asylum Act, which imposes new obligations on some refugees. As a result, the obligation to cooperate in the future also applies to persons entitled to protection in revocation and redemption procedures. The Asylum Act already contains many obligations to co-operate in the asylum procedure, but there is still none for the revocation and surrender procedures.

With the new regulations, the Federal Office for Refugees and Migration (Bamf) can, among other things, attempt to co-operate with a person concerned by imposing a penalty. In addition, the law provides that in case of default of guilty cooperation, which is not compensated without delay, can be decided in the procedures of revocation and redemption according to the coins. As a general rule, it should not lead to a positive decision for the person concerned and to a rather negative decision of asylum.

A reconsideration of the initial decision takes place no later than three years or if new evidence is available, such as doubts about the identity of a person.

"One can not explain to anyone that a revision of the protection requirement is futile, because the people involved should not show up at a fixed date in Bamf," said the federal minister of health. Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU). The obligation to cooperate, which has now been decided, allows the Office to thoroughly check whether its initial asylum decision was correct.

The government's main concern with the amendment of the law is that in 2015 and 2016, refugee status was granted in a purely written procedure without a regular hearing. In some cases, the identity or nationality may not have been sufficiently clarified.

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