Asylum policy: In the SPD, the resistance to the proposal of the transit center continues to grow – Politics – Current Politics News



The Union plans to introduce transit centers. But the SPD does not want to negate the compromise between CSU and CDU as easily.

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Bernhard Junginger

The CDU and CSU have just ended their violent conflict of asylum, the next confrontation threatening the Great Coalition. After all, the "transit centers" for refugees already registered in other EU states, which the Union wants to establish at the request of the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer to the border with Austria, are more than delicate for the SPD. Already when the Union called for such transit centers at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015, it was the comrades who categorically rejected it.

The left wing clearly against the plans of the Union

The Minister of Justice Heiko Maas, who is Foreign Minister today. And the transit zones are "detention zones". Although Maas is silent now. But for many of his party friends, the term "transit centers" remains a buzzword.

  Contracting States of the OPCW meet in The Hague for a special session. The Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maas, wants to be able to hold accountable the perpetrators of chemical weapons operations. Photo: Sina Schuldt

The first incarceration of the refugees was a false signal, said the Minister of Justice Heiko Maas in 2015. Today, he is Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Image: Sina Schuldt, dpa (archive)

This applies particularly to the left wing of the SPD. Hilde Mattheis, president of the Democratic Left Forum, says, "For me, the idea of ​​building transit centers is outside of the coalition agreement. We can not agree with that. "Tolerate the SPD from such facilities, they are moving further and further away from their positions." These transit centers are duty-free areas and therefore not compatible with a humanitarian refugee policy. "

Kevin Kühnert, CEO of Juso, clearly explains what he thinks of the plans of the Union.Not to know anything: "The SPD has closed the camps a clear rejection. Whether in North Africa, the European external border or Pbadau. "

The SPD had prevented the introduction of transit centers in the coalition agreement, so it is not surprising that the Union's plan to create such centers is currently arousing the anger of many comrades.At a special short half-hour session of the SPD parliamentary group on Tuesday, there are so many questions on the subject that the party leader and the faction Andrea Nahles can not answer to all.

"Refuse. But at the same time today, it is no longer the same facts as in 2015, so Nahles. At that time, it was in conversation, to welcome all the refugees there initially, that would have inevitably lasted a long time. If the SPD rejects the Seehofer project, the GroKo threatens to burst

A bitter rejection of the asylum compromise as in the left wing of the party is the party's executive in Nahles and Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz away. Both praise the fact that the Union has regained the ability to act with conflict resolution.

The fact that in the unification of Angela Merkel and Seehofer, the cancellation "Transitzentren" appears, are senior comrades but extremely unhappy. At the same time, it is clear: if the SPD categorically rejects the Seehofer project, the GroKo threatens to burst again. And for new elections feels in the cellar of the SPD patient survey is far from being well prepared.

The compromise of the Union simply abnicken, so many SPD deputies, but they are not. Legal expert Karl-Heinz Brunner, for example, still sees a need for explanation on the part of the Union. "Horst Seehofer must now prove that his concept of transit center is legally allowed and & # 39; coalition agreement," he explains to our editors [LarsCastellucciporte-parolepourlamigrationetl'intégrationdugroupeparlementaireSPD"NousvoulonsquisontconvenuesavecnospartenaireseuropéenssinonaucunréfugiéneseraenregistréàlafinDanslemêmetempslesfrontièresintérieuresdoiventêtrelaisséesouvertesetlaprotectiondesfrontièrebadtérieuresdel'Europeshouldbeimproved"Etcesait"withoutclosedfacilitiesmustimpressions"Ilyadoncencore"alotofdiscussionneeds"

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