At the Berlin metro station: head shots hit a man (50 years old) hospitalized – Berlin


Berlin – Brutal attack on a man (50 years) at Berlin's Kurfürstendamm underground station. An unknown man hit him and kicked him several times. Now the police are looking for clues for a suspect and his alleged accomplice.

► As announced police Tuesday, the attack took place on June 16 at 22h. "For no reason", as we called it.

The 50-year-old man was beaten to the ground and then the slim suspect should have kicked him repeatedly with his feet against his head.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " aggressive-man-on-one-other-foto-200872336-56489096 / 2, w = 300, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 300 "alt =" The aggressive man on another photo "data -zoom- title = "While the man in the black T-shirt is said to have beaten the 50-year-old, his accomplice in the blue top protected the scene

" data-zoom-src = "" />

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " This man should have protected the attack "data" -zoom- title = "While the man in the black T-shirt is said to have beaten the 50-year-old, his accomplice in the blue top protected the scene

" data-zoom-src = "" />

While the man wearing the black T-shirt reportedly beat the 50-year-old, his accomplice at the blue top would have reviewed the scene

Photos: Berlin Police

His alleged accomplice, The man at the top of the blue The photos of the CCTV camera show a woman wearing a scarf that holds the wanted person in a black T-shirt while fuming with a spoiled face.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " try-tried-to-seek-restrain-200872338-56489818 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Several witnesses tried to remember what they were looking for " data-zoom-title = "Several witnesses tried to retain desire

Photo: Police Berlin

" data-zoom-src = " -den-gesuchten-zurbacken-200872338- 56489818 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Several witnesses tried to detain the wanted person Photo: Police Berlin

More police news from Berlin

"Subsequently, the badailants, accompanied by a woman and a man. a boy, escaped.The wife and the child would not have been involved in the badault, "said the police.

The 50-year-old man suffered head injuries and had to be hospitalized at the hospital.

<img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " dem-angriff-fluechtete-das-duo -200872334-56489088 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" After the attack, the duo s' is escaped "data-zoom-title =" After the attack, the duo escaped

Photo: Berlin police

"data-zoom-src =" https: //bilder.bild .de / fotos / nach-dem-angriff-fluechtete-das-duo-200872334-56489088 / Bild / 2.bild.jpg «/>

After the attack, the duo escapes Photo: Berlin Police

The Judicial Police asks

► Who knows the men represented?
► Who can provide information on the identity or location of the unknown? ] ► Who made observations that could be related to the law?

The Criminal Investigations Department responds to the telephone number (030) 4664-271100 or any other police service.


More information about Berlin and the surrounding area here at

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