At the Regensburg Cathedral – Terrorist alarm due to the cable of the helmet – News Inland


Regensburg – A man lies on the ground in front of the steps of a side entrance of the Regensburg Cathedral. He was surrounded by heavily armed policemen, who cleaned the square in front of the church


Yesterday at seven o'clock: The morning mbad in the cathedral is attended by about fifteen faithful. A pbaderby sees a man in the church who seems suspicious to him.

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… on the right, a policeman points at him with a machine gun. A pbaderby had sounded the alarm because of his "Arab appearance" and because a headphone cord was coming out of his clothes
Photo: (c) Alexander Auer

Reason for this guess: The ropes come out of the suspect's clothes his jacket is arched and his appearance is Arabic

The witness calls the police. Public servants take the message seriously – Terror alarm! The Cathedral Square is cleared, access to the square and the church is blocked.

Police report on Twitter: "Suspicious localized person" Residents are told not to leave their homes.

The police put the man, set up weapons on the suspect.

It is addressed in German, checked after a few minutes – it is not armed. The cable comes out of his headphones, the bulge of his clothes from a bottle of drinking water.

A little later, the police gives the clear: the man is an Afghan who lives in Lower Bavaria.

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