Athens: at least one dead and 25 wounded in forest fires in Greece


For days it is extremely hot and dry in Greece, plus strong winds. Now, he gave the first sacrifice in the heavy forest fires. In the northeastern city of Rafina in Athens, a dead man was found, a representative of the Civil Defense on television said Monday. Twenty-five people were transported to hospital with serious injuries

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras shortened a trip abroad to help coordinate the fight against the three major fires.

More than 300 firefighters, five planes and two helicopters According to the Athens firefighters, they were in action to deal with the situation "extremely difficult". The state of emergency has been declared in the region around the capital. A spokeswoman for the fire department said that Athens had asked for help from other EU countries

Residents destroyed the fire

Government sources, the military also provided aircraft, helicopters and tankers. The fires moved up to 30 kilometers from the capital, from Athens were seen huge clouds of gray smoke. At temperatures near 40 degrees Celsius, the winds were more inflamed by winds to more than 60 kilometers to the hour

A spokesman for the fire department complained that not all residents respected not the instructions of the authorities. On TV images, you can see how some residents have left the area by car. Others have tried to prevent the fire from spreading by watering the ground with water.

77 dead in forest fires in 2007

"If I had not fled, I would have been burned", Near the town of Marathon, several residents were rescued at the beach . Summer camps in the area with about 600 children were evacuated.

Forest fires in the hot summer months are not uncommon in Greece. In 2007, a total of 77 people were killed

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