Atomic debate: Should Germany become a nuclear power?


B Germany smokes bomb? Yes, says political scientist Christian Hacke. He argues that national defense in the future requires its own nuclear deterrent capability. After the appearance of US President Donald Trump at the NATO summit and his verbal attacks against the Federal Republic of Germany could no longer make his security dependent on Americans, requires hoes. "19659002" Germany's new role as the number one enemy of US presidential forces Germany has radically rethought its security policy, "writes Hacke in a guest contribution for WELT am SONNTAG. that no alarmism is appropriate, it must be said soberly: "The Federal Republic of Germany is for the first time since 1949 without a nuclear shield of the United States. Germany is in the extreme crisis today defenseless. "Faced with this situation, the question arises:" How do we consider with a potential nuclear power Germany? "

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Hacke pleads for atomic armament of the Federal Republic." For the United States to recognize both NATO and Germany as Germany must also think and act for nuclear deterrence. "Optimistically," any potential attacker must be extinguished. "In addition, nuclear weapons have above all a political function:" Protecting a country in crisis from blackmail.The crisis diplomacy of a country is successful if it is supported militarily powerful, "said Hacke.

Very few diplomats, military and scientists share the hackes thesis. The debate about this, however, many consider necessary. Atomic considerations must be addressed in all cases, says historian and journalist Michael Wolffsohn: "Otherwise, Germany will play the ball instead of world politics." It is ultimately of the survival of Germany. "

The former diplomat and current FDP parliamentary group, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, also believes that it is important" to discuss publicly the issue of nuclear weapons . Because with the end of the Cold War, the era of nuclear weapons has not ended – you may regret it, but the reality is like that. "

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Germany, as a nuclear power, would not increase European security but would harm the multilateral world order. "Not only did we have to abandon the treaty of no -proliferation, but the treaty of the two plus four imposes on Germany upper limits on military armaments. Our neighbors have placed great value on this in the light of our history, "said Lambsdorff

. The badumption that these neighbors' fears had been made was false: "Germany is still being watched with suspicion." That even after reunification, Berlin has not developed a culture of discussion about international strategic issues that go beyond the circles of experts. "This makes it harder for other countries to gauge Germany's intentions.More clearly, we must articulate how we imagine Germany's security in the Alliance." Rumors of Mistrust in Trudering's beer tent or Trump-Bashing at the Heiko Maas do not replace a clear line, "says Lambsdorff.

From the perspective of the FDP, the security of Germany is guaranteed by NATO and the EU. It must be made clear that we support the nuclear doctrine of the Alliance, but do not seek their own nuclear weapons. "

" Berlin would isolate internationally "

Horst Teltschik, former Chancellery advisor, rejects Hackes'" inspiring and provocative "considerations.," The rearmament of Germany as a power nuclear power would lead to an internal political trial and undermine the political structure of power in the EU as well as in Europe, "said Teltschik.Further, he argues for greater involvement in disarmament and arms control: "Unfortunately, the subject has disappeared from the international agenda. This should be changed. "

For Peter Ammon, a former ambbadador to Washington and London, the acquisition of his own nuclear deterrent would be a clear break with international treaties." Germany would stand alone and be l '. object (justified) of the criticism of its partners and presumably even sanctions of the United States. Internationally, Berlin would stand out and isolate itself, thus doing the opposite of what was the central theme of German foreign policy after the war. "

In addition, the development of a nuclear capability would take several years: []

Ammon strongly discouraged to pursue the subject of nuclear:" The tweets of US President Trump would certainly not be accepted by our allies as a sufficient reason to destroy the global nonproliferation regimes, which has always been a central interest of Germany.The loss of trust would be catastrophic. "

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Ursula von der Leyen visits the different units of the Bundeswehr. His conclusion is sobering. The equipment has exceeded its zenith for the most part. This should change now.

Source: WELT / Matthias Heinrich

Nevertheless, the traditional certainties of security policy must be reconsidered. If the United States does not guarantee German national security, they would argue "for a radically European solution", namely a "fundamental and courageous agreement with France, which envisages a very deep integration of the two states": a defense policy from both States. also includes French nuclear forces

"Similar plans, which may seem frightening at first glance, have existed since the 1950s. We need courage to think in terms of foreign policy in new dimensions," says Ammon. Indeed, according to an opinion of the Bundestag's Scientific Service from 2017, international law could co-finance French or British nuclear weapons to participate in this shield.

Europe can not defend itself against Russia, China and the United States Germany is politically, economically and militarily strong, says Harald Kujat, former inspector general of the Bundeswehr, but for its security, Germany must remain firmly anchored in the new multipolar world of Germany. the European Union and the Atlantic Alliance: "A nuclear force alone is endangering these solid foundations of our security", Kujat "Because Russia would build a counter-strategic and nuclear counterweight, with significant security and strategic risks for us and our allies."

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