Attack with Nowitschok: suspects identified in the Skripal case?


Four months after the poisoning of former Russian spy Skripal and his daughter, there seems to be a new trail: investigators believe, according to an article in the press, to have identified suspects.

According to a press report, British police believe they have identified suspects who may have committed the Nowitschok bombing of former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal in March

The suspects are in the process of reconcile surveillance camera fingerprints with lists from the British news agency News Agency (PA) reported that she had filtered people who had entered Britain at the time of the crime, citing investigators . The investigators are "some" that they are Russian, says the Palestinian Authority

The police refused to comment on the report.

Skripal and his daughter were poisoned in November in Salisbury with the Nowitschok nerve gas and had to be hospitalized for weeks in the hospital.

Reciprocal Diplomatic Expulsions

The case provoked a serious diplomatic crisis: London accuses Moscow of having been the mastermind of the badbadination attempt of the Skripal. More than two dozen countries have expelled Russian diplomats. Russia has also responded to expulsions. The Novitschok warfare agent was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s.

Losses from Nowitschok to Amesbury

Early July, a couple in the south of Amesbury, not far from Salisbury , has also come into contact with Nowitschok. The woman is dead, her husband continues to be treated at the hospital.

According to the police, experts are studying whether the neurotoxin discovered at Amesbury comes from the same batch used to poison scripts. In addition, police are trying to find out where the bottle came from, discovered in Amesbury

. This issue was reported by NDR Info at 09:45 on July 19, 2018.

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