Attention, smoker: as long as the body recovers from the last cigarette


Throw your stupid angel? This is always worth it: because even people who stop their studies after age 60, their risk of illness decreases considerably in a few years. How long does it take for you to notice the effects of smoking cessation?

An increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer: It is scientifically proven that smoking is unhealthy. For his health, it's always worth fighting stinky stars.

It's easy to prove that the excuse that smoking is too late for me is easy to prove because after just 20 minutes, the body shows its first positive reactions.

After 20 minutes

Already 20 minutes after the last cigarette, the blue pressure returns to normal. It also increases the temperature of the hands and feet to normal.

After 8 hours

During the first eight hours, the carbon monoxide load in the blood returns to its initial level. The nicotine contained in the tobacco had caused the increase.

After 24 hours

Once the first full day has pbaded without cigarettes, a milestone for your health is this: the risk of heart attack has already been significantly reduced.

A few days later

The deterioration of taste and smell is one of the many unpleasant side effects of smoking.

However, within two days of the last move, they usually return to normal.

By the fourth day at the latest, you will perceive your senses much more intensely.

2 weeks to 3 months later

Your circulation has improved considerably in the meantime. The lung capacity is up to 30% higher than before stopping.

1 month to 9 months later

In the months that follow, the cough stops and you are less breathless.

Your sinuses are free again. The lungs can also better protect against infections.

Another advantage: you feel less tired and tired.

After one year

The first year is over and your body is already benefiting immensely from its non-smoking status: the risk of coronary heart disease is more than half that of a smoker.

After five to fifteen years

After five years, the risk of stroke was halved, after 15 years he fell to the same level as a non-smoker.

After 10 years

After this period, the risk of death from lung cancer is halved. The same goes for the risk of cancer in the esophagus, kidneys, pancreas or in the mouth.

15 years after the last cigarette

After 15 years as a non-smoker, you are physically in the same position as before your very first cigarette.

This means that you have the same risk of having a heart attack, stroke or cancer as someone who has led a smoke-free life.

Judith Kerstgens

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