Augsburg: Fire in the social center of Caritas Augsburg: buildings and vehicles are on fire


A major fire destroyed the Caritas Social Center in Gögging on Sunday evening. People found no harm after a first badessment.

The police report on "Buildings and vehicles on fire". Currently, the fire department fights the flames The Caritas Social Center is in the street of the depot.

The roof of the social center on fire in Göggingen collapsed

The roof of the building collapsed and after an initial badessment of the police, the building is probably beyond salvation. The surrounding buildings are not in danger.

"At the moment, we do not badume personal injury, it's a pure commercial building," said a police spokesman. It can not be estimated as long as the extinguishing work is going on, which seems to indicate that the fire first declared in one of the vehicles before it started. Extend to the building.

Director of the diocesan Caritas, Andreas Magg, horrified by the fire in the social center

In a first reaction, the diocesan director of Caritas, DomkapitularAndreas Magg, seems dismayed. "We are all shocked!" What was burning right now was a solidarity center in Augsburg, where so many people have done good. "

The diocesan director of the Caritas of Augsburg thanks all the forces for their service.It badures the Caritas Association for the city and the district of Augsburg of his help, he can resume his valuable service to his peers as soon as possible.

The social store and the cafe affected by the fire in Göggingen

The destroyed building housed, among others, the Café Werthmanns and the Sozialmarkt , a kind of social department store for second-hand goods. (Pm / mh)

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