Ausraster with "Illner" – The green Habeck boss roars CSU-Staatssekretärin down – domestic politics


  Criticism of Talkshow on PICTURE: Jauch, Anne Will, Maischberger, Maybrit Illner, Plasberg

The next public law panel against Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and his CSU. At least one supporter of the Seehofer party is allowed to sit in the audience hall

President Maybrit Illner asks in her broadcast: "A limit asylum compromise – there are only losers left? "

Armin Laschet (57, CDU) . The NRW Prime Minister and the Federal Vice of the CDU are considered one of the strongest Seehofer critics of the Union.

Manuela Schwesig (44, SPD) . Prime Minister Meckpomm is angry because the Union accepted without asking the SPD

Dorothee Bär (40, CSU) . The State Secretary at the Federal Chancellery wants to expel his party leader

Robert Habeck (48, Greens) . The party leader eats planned transfer centers: "It's basically a fool!"

Kristina Dunz. The journalist ("Rheinische Post") proposes "CSU first" will lead the country "in chaos".

Four prosecutors, a lawyer.

The Zoff-O-meter yard stands ready

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picture: ZDF

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Foto: ZDF

start with plea

bear finds" C & It's a good thing that the CSU has stayed true to everything it promised after the general elections ", and takes the protection of its boss:" We always say: we still need guys like Strauss and Wehner, but when it gets a little stronger, everyone is the same hrocken! "

But she does not go very far with that. "No one takes Mr Seehofer any more seriously," said Grünen-Habeck, today in a very bourgeois white shirt. And immediately takes the next CSU on the horns: the head of the CSU state group in the Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt.

"The center of perfidy was still Dobrindt," hisses Habeck in sudden rupture with the anti-Seehofer-agenda. "Dobrindt has always thrown an incendiary bomb Dobrindt has a clear vision right agenda"

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Photo: ZDF

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Photo: ZDF

Hypnotic Attack of the Evening

"Frau Bär, I'm sorry for you, with all the sympathy in your party," said Habeck innocently, but so-called kindness serves only as a launching pad for even worse gunfire shame: "We can not allow guys like Dobrindt have no alternative for German politics! "

The Strongest Words

" The Chancellor Appoints the Ministers and Rejects ", notes Laschet." The CDU is now viell less closed than it was four weeks ago! For us, European solidarity is not to be feared! "

The bear can not be intimidated: Prime Minister Hessens CDU Volker Bouffier said after all, that he was grateful to the CSU," because we did not go so far away would be, "she observes

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picture: ZDF

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Photo: ZDF

Question of the evening

Illner wants He would be rather martial again: "Missing the rebels of the support of their own troops?" She asks in the direction of Merkel's critics of Bavaria.

"Two weeks ago, the chancellor would have erin can still overthrow," replies instead the journalist Dunz and also goes into mode of disparagement: "You do not take the concerns of the population, you stir fears! "she accuses the woman of the CSU

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Photo: ZDF

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Foto: ZDF

proof of qualification of the evening

"The climate in the Union is spoiled," the journalist said. Is not spoiled at all ", she answers and points out the statement with useful factual information:" I am the only member of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group at this table! "

SPD-Schwesig wants to lead water successfully on its festive mill: The agreement with the Union is not a compromise, but it is a "completely new proposal", it claims and means l he five-point plan of the SPD.

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Photo: ZDF

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Photo: ZDF

Complaint of the evening

Habeck gives gas again:" We need a policy without the CSU, "he asks." The CDU must separate from the CSU! "That would be the maximum punishment for Seehofer & Co. – and for the Greens the chance to come back in the government.

Laschet likes the idea but not at all, he frowns like a professor in the fight on the field of play.

The most beautiful goal

Bär after a sounding age of the day: Two-thirds concern the Seehofer transit centers. Illner cries but not: "I think they did not understand what they mean!"

The fact is: According to the trend ARD Germany, 61% of Germans (supporters of the Union: 70%, supporters of the SPD: 47 Percent) for the establishment of such centers of transit, only 34 percent of respondents (supporters of the 26 percent Union, SPD supporters: 48 percent) do not find them properly

Not everyone understood he not?

Confession of the evening

"I know many who say: In fact, Mr. Seehofer is right," admits Laschet, but immediately limits: "C & # What you can do in the Union "

Even Schwesig pushes the black to Peter:" Your lack of self-criticism makes the AfD formidable! "[19659] 477 Cleverest recommendation

Habeck gives Schwesig a poisoned tip: "The SPD may limit not to exaggerate dignity," he warns, "otherwise we will have no more social democracy! "

Regarding Bär, the leader of the Greens says:" You must put yourself in the head, that you are in the wrong funnel! "The alleged allies of the CSU are a thorn in the Greens' camp:" Orban and all Heinis have let you down! "

The Zoff-o-Meter finally turns

" Die CSU is an absolutely European holiday, "says Bär. "We have always proved it!

"This is not true!", Sharply contradicts Habeck. "Your people are talking about a homeland Europe! It's just jargon! It's not European!"

Brüll Attack of the & 1965 [[196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965year

"It does not improve if you repeat it three times," said the minister of state. There is the kind Mr. Habeck who is suddenly more sovereign. "They poison the speech!", He scolds the Minister of State. "They almost kill Europe! And then you say you're a European party!"

"It's us," insists Bär, and now Habeck finally speaks: "Stay with the truth!" He shouts to the CSU. Woman on. "Stand by! Say, your prime minister is not your prime minister!"

The others are watching. Despite the anger, Bär remains cool: "I would like to discuss this without foam in my mouth!" The talk show hostess has long since perished, there is nothing left of her.

Quote of the evening

"The asylum only exists for the needy, and when a war is over, then you must return." (Laschet)

] Conclusion

Violent attacks, fiery verbal battles, wild roars. In court, the room would have been cleaned. It was a discussion of the category "SOS".

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