Baby of Prince Harry and Meghan: Should the Clooneys be godfathers?


Updated November 29, 2018 at 5:05 pm

Next April, the time has come: Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are expecting their first child. We are already speculating not only on the name of the royal offspring, but also on potential sponsors.

More news about the royal family can be found here

According to the report of the British "Daily Mail", the godfathers of the youngest Royal-Scion are stuck even before his birth. George Clooney and his wife Amal must take office.

The Hollywood couple had already been invited to the royal wedding in April of this year. Then, the royal couple should have spent a few days with the Cloone in their villa on Lake Como.

Good friendship between couples

The paper also quotes an insider claiming that Meghan and Amal are good friends. "They are closer than they communicate publicly," he says.

Even George Clooney's cousin, Ben Breslin, is already excited about this new task: "It would be a great godfather, he would do very well – he's a good guy."

George and Amal are themselves parents of twins. It is also said that the Hollywood star is the godfather of more than twenty children. The Sunday girl, Sunday Rose, from Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, is one of them, according to the "Mirror". (NAS)
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