Bad in the Elbe: Abortive search for missing harvest workers


G At 5.30 pm, the emergency call arrives Sunday at the emergency services: witnesses report that two people went down in a bath of the Elbe and did not not reappeared. But despite a big rescue operation, help to men seems to have arrived too late. The two workers were probably drowned in a bath at the Elbe Stadium

The search for two men aged 23 and 25, who according to information from Romania's Stader Tageblatt, had been canceled without result, said a spokesman for the police. Monday. In the case of new references, the search can be resumed. A third man was able to save himself on earth. Witnesses heard loud cries and saw that the two men were lost in the river.

Rescuers had been looking for men Sunday night with a large crowd. In the search for divers, eleven boats and a helicopter from Hamburg were involved – in total there were about 100 rescuers on the Elbe, also sonar devices were used. It was not clear at first why the two young men could not save themselves on earth.

See also

  Saturday, rescue workers in Hamburg were looking for hours to find missing persons

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