Baden-Württemberg: Minister allegedly involved Gartenschau's commitment to helping refugees



Baden-Württemberg The Minister announced a coupled Gartenschau commitment to help refugees

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The city of Ellwangen got the contract for a public garden show. But supposedly, the decision has to do with the operation of a refugee shelter. The responsible ministry speaks of an expression of gratitude.

E year Landesgartenschau as a reward for a good job as a refugee? Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk (CDU) sees himself in criticism because he should have linked the award of the flower show in 2026 after Ellwangen to the location of the Landeserstaufnahmeeinrichtung (LEA) there. The one has nothing to do with each other, criticized the Mayor of Ellwangen, Karl Hilsenbek (non-party), a corresponding letter from the Minister. Hauk wrote to him on July 3 that the contract for the exhibition will be awarded "provided" that the municipality extends the operation of the LEA beyond 2020. "I do not understand at all", stresses Hilsenbek

It is true that the city of 24,000 people is currently debating whether the LEA is allowed to stay there. But the Ellwanger do not want to be put under pressure. "There must be no clearing activity in this context," said Hilsenbek. He expects Hauk to withdraw the wording. Otherwise, he would complain to Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). As other candidates for Landesgartenschauen Ellwangen had borne a good application to the competition.

"Stunned" because of the actions of the Minister showed SPD Landschefin Leni Breymaier. "This is not an agreement, as is customary today in the US The city has introduced an outstanding concept for the design of the garden living room.This must be the basis of A decision, "said Breymaier. The council must be able to make its decision – according to the city after the summer holidays – on the free LEA. The minister must not blackmail the city.

"The land can not force approval for the continuation of the operation"

A "landlordism policy" accuses the AFD to the minister. AfD MP Udo Stein apologized to Hauk. Similarly, CDU MP Winfried Mack said that a "non-independent consideration" was inadmissible. Ellwangen has prevailed in a fair evaluation process. A special achievement of a city can indeed be included in the objective evaluation. "But the country can not force a specific local decision in favor of the country – in this case, approving the continued operation of the LEA -" Mack emphasized. "It would undermine local decision-making and interfere with people's trust in politics."

The minister said Friday, upon request, that "Thanksgiving is the strongest form of demand" to continue LEA. It was the expectation of the state government, said Hauks Ministry in a statement. It was right to continue to use the experience and existing structures in Ellwangen. In addition, the number of refugees and therefore the pressure on the LEAs have decreased. "The award to the city of Ellwangen is a thank you to the people," said Hauk the announcement.

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  Volunteers provide on 13 September 2015 at the main railway station in Pbadau (Bavaria) refugees who have recently arrived on a train, with food and drinks. Photo: Armin Weigel / dpa +++ (c) dpa - Bildfunk +++ | Use around the world

The citizens of Ellwangen have shown a great deal of dedication and commitment to the work of refugees. "Therefore, it was a particular concern of the country not only to appreciate the good concept that the city has presented, but also to honor this civic engagement," said the minister. Ellwangen received the contract for the country-sponsored flower shows on Tuesday. The country contributes to the investment costs.

The initial reception center at Ellwangen was known throughout the country due to an unsuccessful deportation. There, many residents of the property prevented the deportation of a 23-year-old Togolese in May. The police had to move away and come back with reinforcements.

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