Bamf warns against false employees | TIME ONLINE


The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

(Bamf) warns against false employees who interview refugees. "In the recent past, several people have spent themselves as employees of the Federal Office and have asked for an interview in which they have questioned asylum seekers extensively," says the website of the Nuremberg Authority. The alert also asks the authorities to report to police if similar events occur or are observed.

The Bamf filed a criminal complaint, said a spokeswoman. First, the Rheinpfalz and Spiegel Online reported on the case. According to Bamf, the bad employees had partly claimed that it was a second hearing. The Bamf however stressed that its employees do not make home visits. The Bamf spokesperson did not specify how many cases are specific and where they occurred. She referred to the public prosecutor in Landau.

According to their information, the knowledge of an asylum seeker filed a complaint at the end of May. The prosecution investigation because of the presumption. The antecedents of the incident are unclear, he said. It appears that two similar cases have occurred in Berlin and Baden-Württemberg, the spokeswoman said.

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