Barack Obama in Cologne: the name of his successor does not fall once


reHe is as intelligent as ever, always as cool and a little more laid back than when he was at the White House. "Democracy," he says, "must, by definition, deal with different opinions, but you can not discuss the facts."

Barack Obama should answer in Cologne to questions formulated clearly by the organizer: "How can one person change the world?" Who or what can humanity do? Under the title "Reflections on the problem", the World Leader Summit was invited to Deutz's Lanxess Arena, barely more than separated from the cathedral by the Rhine.A huge meeting room for a speaker who likes to be described as being taller than life.And the rush is great.The 44th President of the United States of America, dressed in a dark suit for a blue shirt without tie, charismatic, bright-minded, confident as one remembers from his mandate, always draws.

However, the Lanxess Arena is not complete. It is estimated that 10,000 cards were sold between 80 and over 100 euros. 3000 tickets were offered to volunteers in Cologne at the end. And yet, there are still gaps to be seen around the Great Hall. Obama continues to be an attraction. But two good years after leaving the office probably do not feel the absolute sensation anymore.

He is very concerned about climate change

"It's a table," Obama continues during an hour-long conversation with moderator Christián Gálvez. He shared his thoughts on the facts and beliefs of democracy and highlighted the furniture that separated them. "You have to agree on that.If you tell me it's a tree, then we have a conflict for which there is no solution."

The name of his successor, the 45th President of the United States, will not fall once this evening. But the crowd applauds and laughs knowing when Obama says about climate change, yes, everything seemed so beautiful, but what's left? Definitely choose to go there! He hopes the United States will return to the top of the movement – "but maybe it will take even more." The public is still laughing.

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Wolfgang Ischinger

Climate change has done a lot for him, says the former politician, who is now among the highest paid speakers in the world, and for the appearance of various motivational coaches who reportedly earned 450,000 euros. Climate change is not happening in 50 years, but now. All hurricanes, forest fires, droughts and floods can not be attributed to climate change, but such natural phenomena occur more and more from year to year, according to the lawyer and former social worker.

Friday, he visits his "girlfriend Angela Mörkel"

But Obama is an American and therefore an optimist. It does not fall into the European alarmism of the end times. He praised the technological innovations already achieved and allowed greater efficiency in the production of renewable energy. And the more young people involved or involved in the elections, the more governments would take care of the problems. Youth is less cynical and less skeptical of institutions, religions, parties and politics. That's why his Obama Foundation is interested in young people from around the world, to the leaders of tomorrow. Saturday, after a non-public visit Friday to his "girlfriend Angela" Morkel"To meet young people in Berlin as part of their founding work, they should" bring the change we need ".

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In fact, you can offset greenhouse gas emissions from air travel and make them climate neutral.

The public is delighted that Obama, graying and still releasing an almost childlike energy, is attacking such environmental problems. And he also stands out as a feminist: at the White House, he encouraged women in his staff to speak louder and told men to shut up. According to Obama, there are studies in which organizations with many women in management positions make better decisions. Whatever it is, you need women in his staff. If you surround yourself with people who are the same and who think like you, you make bad decisions. But in this pbadage, it probably was not only presidential feminism, but a man that nobody here would name anyone.

What surprised him the most when he became president? "That people do not always do what they want." What did he do when he was no longer president? "Michelle and I slept a lot first." And have spent time with his daughters Malia, 20, and Sasha, 17, between two repeated readings of a book. He prepared his own coffee for the first time, "you do not do that as president, he has a terrible taste". And with her praise as being smart, beautiful, intelligent and "fun", Michelle and the girls have praised it so that it has at least room in the now common wardrobes.

He sent the left in rural America

The conversation goes from fun to bbad and intrigue between the two. Some things are harmless phrases; For example, there is no need to be president but everyone is able to change things. Things like inequalities and injustices in society, poverty, racism.

But many things then look authentic. "We often think that a great statesman has to make a big speech, but the most important thing is that he listens." Another charming tip. During his first election campaign, he had the young volunteers of the team listen by sending the youngest among them to the cities of the middle clbad of left and the left in rural America. .

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Criticism of the US President

But that brings us back to the original story: what facts did Obama let his activists tell him about rural America and what did he learn there? If the facts are so clear, why has not there been real frustration in the Midwest, in the Appalachians, in the industrial "Rust Belt," where less educated white workers are betraying Democrats in general? and Obama in particular but at least you thought you forgot? Exactly those layers of the population in the heart of the United States, who were counted in the Democratic electorate until they joined Donald Trump in 2016. Maybe Obama's n & rsquo; Not always asked and included enough opinions and perspectives before making any political decisions?

"We have never had a scandal"

In Cologne, the American president introduces German hearts. Obama, with legitimate pride, can remember that there has been no business during his eight years in office. "We have never had a scandal and no one has been forced to go to jail." Tonight, we will not talk about his mistakes and his omissions, which allowed to choose the successor so unsophisticated. Of course, he, Obama, did something wrong, but then what was fixed.

The moderator addresses the tough decisions of the powerful ministry, such as drone missions against terrorists. Obama gives the answers he has heard on many occasions: As a president, one must learn to base decisions on probabilities based on all known facts, data and options. For example, in the case of the "Geronimo" mission, killed on May 2, 2011 by order of US Commander-in-Chief Usama bin Laden in Pakistan, it was not known whether the person was Al-Qaida. Leader acted. The death of innocent and elite soldiers would have threatened, in case of error, the political implications of unauthorized action on Pakistani territory and the possibility of darkening the chances of reelection. "But we thought that it was necessary to try." The world as it is is not always the world we want, and you sometimes have to dirty the realities of life in a high position. ,

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When he reached what he wanted to achieve, the moderator wants to know. He asked his colleagues to make decisions that would make things better than they had been before, even if things did not prove perfect. Obama says, "Better, it's better, better it's better than nothing better". Fighting ideas. "In the spirit of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the reunification of Germany, some wanted to bring people together and overcome differences, while others fear globalization and globalization. new confusion and are thus placed back on their walls and their strength.This is a story that dates back to the time when we were monkeys.

Really? There is only the choice between the enlightened course of Obama and the relapse into prehistory? The speaker is fired with standing ovations. He leaves the stage with a jovial and relaxed greeting at the opening about 60 minutes before.

The fact that he did not openly attack the successor speaks for the nobility and wisdom of this politician. The fact that he only positively considers his own mandate, which the American people have not yet met, speaks for a certain arrogance – as beautiful as it may seem.

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