"Bares for Rares" on ZDF: A trader who claims a contract of registration – A lawyer declares his purchase invalid – Panorama


"Bares for Rares" on ZDF: A shopkeeper cries after an unqualified contract – a lawyer explains the purchase for invalid

This is Bares for Rares

It's one of the most popular afternoon shows on German television: the ZDF program "Bares for Rares".

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It's a televised moment that you probably will not forget anytime soon. A real piece "Bares for Rare"Story.

"I do not know what to say.This is a room where, as a merchant, simply opens the heart, where to look for his life.This is almost the needle in a haystack.I'm I have found here tonight I am incredibly happy and miss the words "stammering"Bares for RareTrader Susanne Steiger at the end of the evening edition of the ZDF junk show She has tears in her eyes, she barely understands what just happened.

But junk, it was not exactly what the 36 year old player had bought that day. On the contrary. She had just bought the most expensive item ever sold at the counter at "Bares for Rare"Wandered.

"Bares for Rares" on ZDF: Susanne Steiger pays a record price

Susanne Steiger paid 42,000 euros. 42,000 euros for a cross set with diamonds, in which 40-carat diamonds were not the main value.

Because the cross had an inner life, which meant that the dealer Lucki, still during the negotiations, embraced the precious jewel.


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Cross is worth a small church

The cross was from the 17th century. A relic. Inside the cross were three pieces of wood from the cross of Jesus. A piece of almost priceless value.


It's "Bares for Rares":

  • The program runs on ZDF since 2013
  • Since the beginning, the show is hosted by Horst Lichter
  • First of all, the program was run in ZDFneo's division program
  • Since 2015, "Bares for Rares" has been integrated into the main program
  • The program runs from Monday to Friday at 15 hours.


And yet, Stefanie, who inherited the cross from her aunt, who in turn received it as a gift from an old lady, because they always went together to church, wanted to sell the room.

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Estimated between 60 000 and 80 000 euros

And expert Heide Rezepa-Zabel was equally flabbergasted: "It's fantastic," she repeated. The only material value is 15,000 to 17,000 euros. Of real value, one can also buy a small church, so the expert "Bares for Rares". She finally estimated the value of the cross between 60,000 and 80,000 euros.

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It was well known that this was not enough for resellers. And yet: Stefanie was happy with 42,000 euros.

The Steiger dealer was completely overwhelmed by the purchase. After the show, she said she did not plan to sell the precious cross. Although two interested parties have already reported, she is thinking of handing the cross to a museum on loan. "Those interested can see it," she told the newspaper.

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Allegations of "Bares for Rares"

Despite the generous gesture of the buyer, there are now voices that accuse shippers of fraud.

On Facebook, many fans accused the producers of "Bares for Rares" that the seller did not send to an author. She could have done more than the € 42,000 that Susanne Steiger finally paid, the fans said.

The "Bares for Rares" team reacted to this reaction: "Like all the sellers, the Brillantkreuz sellers have been repeatedly called back by the publishers of" Bares für Rares "on the eve of the recording They have always opposed a Can decide on the sale.The mother and daughter have given no reason to suspect that they did not know the value of the cross and had not well taken into account their decision to sell. "

Lawyer considers the illegal purchase

However, in this case, it would not be so important, according to Friedemann Ungerer's lawyer. He considers that the purchase is illegal, citing paragraph 138. He states that "null and void is, in particular, a legal transaction whereby, exploiting the difficult situation, inexperience, lack of judgment or the substantial weakness of the performance of another person or a third party, promises or grants ostentatious financial benefits Disproportionate to the performance. "

Ungerer leads in this case especially the inexperience of the saleswoman. "I also saw the program and found it unheard of," said the lawyer.

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