Bathing accident: a ten-year-old drowned in Dresden while bathing in the Elbe | new


  ambulance in action (icon) | Image: image-alliance / dpa / Andreas Gebert

died of death ten years ago while bathing in the Elbe in Dresden. As a police spokesman said Monday, the boy had climbed into the water near a ferry dock Sunday afternoon and was probably washed away by the current.

Tragic Bath Accident on the Elbe River

Earlier, several newspapers reported it. The rescuers were able to rescue and revive the Syrian boy from the river, but he died later in the hospital. "It was a swimming accident, there is no third party debt."

Background: Bathing behavior in rivers and lakes

Unsupervised swimming areas have an increased risk of accidents: the risk of drowning is much higher than in swimming pools guarded by rescuers. This is also proved by the drowning statistics. The causes of fatal bathing accidents are carelessness, disregard for bathing rules, bad swimming techniques, overconfidence and ignorance of possible dangers. Consumption of alcohol also leads to fatal swimming accidents. For younger children, it's often "the wrong perception of parental responsibility" that is to blame for a misfortune.

Swimming in the Rivers

If you are fit and healthy, you should only swim in the rivers, because there are many dangers: surprising benches and pillars that can change the current and trigger soaking. In rivers, you have to count with branches like wrecks and underwater obstacles like discarded bikes. In rivers with tidal currents, this further strengthens existing river currents. Also, do not stay too long in the water because the rivers never heat up as much as the lakes.

Attention, running!

Currents are one of the biggest dangers of swimming in the sea or in open waters like rivers. If you move in a strong current, you should stay calm and swim sideways with the stream and get out of it. Even experienced swimmers have no chance when they swim against a strong current. If we push the current under the water, we should try to swim next to the vortex.

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