Bathing accident in Baden-Württemberg: Six-year-old drowning at Neumühlsee


The Neumühlsee near Waldenburg is surrounded by meadows, fields and woods and is an idyllic place on hot summer days. Ironically, a terrible accident occurred Sunday evening, July 30th.

He was supposed to have been under water for 15 minutes

A six-year-old boy visited the swimming lake with his family when their parents discovered around 6 pm that the boy had disappeared. They immediately called for a major search operation, reported police spokesman Achim Küller, the "SWR": "Many bathers who were also on Neumühlsee, helped." The boy could be located in the water and then brought back to the ground. Police suspect that the child must have been under water for at least 15 minutes before first responders attempt to resuscitate him. An emergency doctor then continued the measurements on the way to the hospital.

The cause of the accident is still not clear

But all attempts to keep the boy alive have resulted in nothing. "His condition was very critical, he was in intensive care in a hospital, and he died in the hospital during the night, it was not possible to save him," said the chief of police . Officials now determine how he could come to the accident: "Now the criminal police in Künzelsau has taken over the investigation of the death." It is now necessary to clarify, how did it happen to death, monitoring rights were violated and similar "

The DLRG warns

The German Society for Rescue (DLRG) has already declared on July 27 that the number drowning was particularly high this year.The report shows that there have been 280 deaths during the swim since January.This is 40 more than last year and bath time does not seem to be over, most people drowned in unsafe swimming areas inland, with 250 deaths, accounting for almost 90% of the total.
Accidents are often caused by carelessness, high risk-taking and false self-evaluation, says DLRG spokesman Achim Wiese, but parents who are distracted by their cell phones and lose sight of their children 39, also worried about the DLRG

Rescue La ne

The rescue teams lead to an accident and do not believe their eyes

exemplary: when an accident occurs, they form a perfect escape route – and the services of Emergency can hardly believe it

© Gala

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