Bavarian Constitutional Court: Flächenfraß decision: Ecologists and Ecologists Disappointed | new


In Bavaria, there will be no restriction on the consumption of green spaces so quickly. The Bavarian Constitutional Court has decided today that the referendum "Confinement of concrete floods – so that Bayern stays at home" for formal reasons is inadmissible. Specifically, the chairman of the court Peter Küspert complained that the bill lacked guidelines on how to distribute the land that can be used for individual municipalities.

Schlappe Grbad for the initiators of the Volksbegehr against Flächenfraß

For the initiators of the Referendum, including the Greens, ÖDP, the Working Party on Rural Agriculture, the Federal Association for the Protection of Birds and the Federal Union for Nature Conservation in Bavaria, the decision of the court three months before the elections is a bitter setback. "We are disappointed with the decision of the Constitutional Court, as the referendum would have been an important precondition for reducing surface pollution," said Richard Mergner, President of BUND. Bavaria opens the way for land consumption

Bavaria is the largest nation in terms of land consumption, which is why the Bavarian state government has a special responsibility to provide effective instruments to reduce it. According to the Federal Association for the Conservation of Birds: "Animals and plants lose their habitat, the diversity of our landscape and therefore life is steadily decreasing, and we must not let Bavaria discover its landscape, its diversity and so his life The SPD is talking about a quick shot

The initiators had presented a draft unfit law, said the leader of the SPD faction in the Bavarian parliament, Markus Rinderspacher.More precisely, he attacked the Greens and accused them of harming the cause with their activism: "The Greens of the Alliance have not done anything with their ineffective bill the important issue of control of the". Land use. "The green alliance's firing is unconstitutional," said Rinderspacher. Free voters welcome decision on surface pollution

The goal of reducing land use needs to be addressed more concretely, also criticized the leader of free voters, Hubert Aiwanger. The free voters were therefore completely satisfied with the court: "It is particularly important for us that the planning authority and the rights of municipal autonomy are respected," said Michael Piazolo, FW-MdL. "That's why we welcome the verdict."

Prudent Joy in CSU

CSU Representatives Cautiously Formulated: It's Confirmed That The Greens' Advance Is Inappropriate To Regulate Community Development, says Thomas Kreuzer, Leader of the CSU Parliamentary Group. They want to promote the subject of saving, but with the right means, according to Kreuzer.

Erwin Huber, economic spokesman for his group, accuses the populism green. With legal referendums and poorly formulated content, the Greens have shown that "it was not at all a question of solutions, but only of green populism in the election campaign," said Huber

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