Because concrete swells: the government reduces the speed limit on highways



(Photo: imago / photothek)

Monday, July 23, 2018

The heat wave in Germany is also affecting the streets. High temperatures can even cause deformation of the road. In Baden-Württemberg, the government limits speed to 80 km / h.

Motorists in Baden-Württemberg must adjust to the expected heat in the coming days on special speed limits for two motorways. The Stuttgart Regional Council has announced heat speed limits at 80 km / h on highways 81 and 7.

Reasons are possible bulges on old concrete roads, which could occur at high temperatures. high. Affected on the A81, the section between the intersection of the Weinsberg motorway and the Aries Jagsttalbrücke in both directions and the area between the Boxberg junction and Osterburken in the north direction.

On the A7, the maximum speed allowed between Ulm and the cross Feuchtwangen (Bavaria) went down in both directions. In addition, a section south of the Westhausen junction is observed, here the pace could be slowed from Thursday. Speed ​​limits apply from Tuesday presumably until Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm.

To avoid the "explosions" mentioned, the affected highway sections were renewed or equipped with so-called clearance strips, said the regional council. For this purpose, individual concrete segments are replaced by more elastic materials, so that the pavement can expand without bursting.


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